Grants of more than £11m approved at June 2022 committee meeting
Grants approved at the June 2022 Grants Committee of the Bridge House Estates Board
Sixty nine grants awarded, totalling £11.3m
Bridging Divides
Age UK Kensington & Chelsea
£87,500 over two years (£44,000; £43,500) towards the core costs of the Activities and Events service.
Age UK London
£3,600 to resource Age UK to participate in a design group co-creating programme design for City Bridge Trust’s Anchor funding programme. This funding is to resource Age UK’s involvement in the design group until the end of July 2022. Any funds which have not been spent by that point can be used towards Age UK’s core running costs over the next twelve months.
All Ways Network
£3,750 to resource All Ways Network to participate in a design group co-creating programme design for City Bridge Trust’s Anchor funding programme. This funding is to resource All Ways Network’s involvement in the design group until the end of July 2022. Any funds which have not been spent by that point can be used towards All Ways Network’s core running costs over the next twelve months.
Barts Heritage
£95,000 over three years (£500; £45,500; £49,000) towards the costs of the access works of the North Wing’s phase one renovation.
Blackhorse Workshop CIC
£4,134 to provide access and inclusive design training for staff and to conduct an access audit of the current building and seek advice on access considerations for the new building.
Blackhorse Workshop CIC
£2,600 (6.5 days) to provide an eco-audit.
Breaking Barriers
£3,000 to resource Breaking Barriers to participate in a design group co-creating programme design for City Bridge Trust’s Anchor funding programme. This funding is to resource Breaking Barriers’ involvement in the design group until the end of July 2022. Any funds which have not been spent by that point can be used towards Breaking Barriers’ core running costs over the next twelve months.
Campaign to Protect Rural England – London Branch
£8,450 over one year to CPRE London towards the LFGN Network Development Officer and associated project costs to maintain the GoParksLondon website.
£3,450 to resource CARAS to participate in a design group co-creating programme design for City Bridge Trust’s Anchor funding programme. This funding is to resource CARAS’ involvement in the design group until the end of July 2022. Any funds which have not been spent by that point can be used towards CARAS’ core running costs over the next twelve months.
Child Poverty Action Group
£3,000 to resource Child Poverty Action Group to participate in a design group co-creating programme design for City Bridge Trust’s Anchor funding programme. This funding is to resource CPAG’s involvement in the design group until the end of July 2022. Any funds which have not been spent by that point can be used towards CPAG’s core running costs over the next twelve months.
Consortium LGBT
£3,450 to resource Consortium LGBT to participate in a design group co-creating programme design for City Bridge Trust’s Anchor funding programme. This funding is to resource Consortium LGBT’s involvement in the design group until the end of July 2022. Any funds which have not been spent by that point can be used towards Consortium LGBT’s core running costs over the next twelve months.
Council of Somali Organisations
£3,600 to resource Council for Somali Organisations to participate in a design group co-creating programme design for City Bridge Trust’s Anchor funding programme. This funding is to resource CSO’s involvement in the design group until the end of July 2022. Any funds which have not been spent by that point can be used towards CSO’s core running costs over the next twelve months.
Cripplegate Foundation
£30,000 over 3 years towards the Islington Together partnership, with funding in years 2 and 3 conditional on the London Borough of Islington confirming its continued financial support each year.
DINN Enterprise CIC
£3,000 to resource Do It Now Now to participate in a design group co-creating programme design for City Bridge Trust’s Anchor funding programme. This funding is to resource Do It Now Now’s involvement in the design group until the end of July 2022. Any funds which have not been spent by that point can be used towards Do It Now Now’s core running costs over the next twelve months.
End Violence Against Women Coalition (EVAW)
£3,600 to resource End Violence Against Women to participate in a design group co-creating programme design for City Bridge Trust’s Anchor funding programme. This funding is to resource EVAW’s involvement in the design group until the end of July 2022. Any funds which have not been spent by that point can be used towards EVAW’s core running costs over the next twelve months.
English National Ballet
£99,700 (£49,100; £50,600) over two further and final years towards ENB’s dance classes for older people, specifically ENBEldersCo, Leap of Faith, and Dancing East. Funding will go towards artist fees, production costs, and staff time.
Fields in Trust
£2,200 (5.5 days) to provide an eco-audit.
Greater London Volunteering
£3,600 to resource London Plus to participate in a design group co-creating programme design for City Bridge Trust’s Anchor funding programme. This funding is to resource London Plus’ involvement in the design group until the end of July 2022. Any funds which have not been spent by that point can be used towards London Plus’ core running costs over the next twelve months.
HEAR Equality and Human Rights Network
£3,600 to resource HEAR Equality and Human Rights Network to participate in a design group co-creating programme design for City Bridge Trust’s Anchor funding programme. This funding is to resource HEAR Equality and Human Rights Network’s involvement in the design group until the end of July 2022. Any funds which have not been spent by that point can be used towards HEAR Equality and Human Rights Network’s core running costs over the next twelve months.
Home-Start Camden and Islington
£73,200 over two years (£36,000; £37,200) towards HSCI’s family support service, including 1 0.4 fte Head of Services, volunteer recruitment and training costs and related project overheads.
Inclusion London
£3,000 to resource Inclusion London to participate in a design group co-creating programme design for City Bridge Trust’s Anchor funding programme. This funding is to resource Inclusion London’s involvement in the design group until the end of July 2022. Any funds which have not been spent by that point can be used towards Inclusion London’s core running costs over the next twelve months.
Island House Community Centre
£48,160 over two years (£24,080 x 2) towards Community HEALTH, covering costs associated with 1 day/week Project Manager, sessional staff, and related project overheads.
Justice Collaborations
£62,400 over 12 months towards a level 2 / level 3 OISC accredited immigration adviser and a programme of wider welfare support to increase the East European Resource Centre’s capacity to support enquiries from London’s Ukrainian community (as well as Londoners from countries neighbouring Ukraine whose home communities are affected by the current war). Funding to be directed via Justice Collaborations.
Latin American House
£3,600 to resource Latin American House to participate in a design group co-creating programme design for City Bridge Trust’s Anchor funding programme. This funding is to resource Latin American House’s involvement in the design group until the end of July 2022. Any funds which have not been spent by that point can be used towards Latin American House’s core running costs over the next twelve months.
London Play
£3,600 to resource London Play to participate in a design group co-creating programme design for City Bridge Trust’s Anchor funding programme. This funding is to resource London Play’s involvement in the design group until the end of July 2022. Any funds which have not been spent by that point can be used towards London Play’s core running costs over the next four months.
London Youth
£3,000 to resource London Youth to participate in a design group co-creating programme design for City Bridge Trust’s Anchor funding programme. This funding is to resource London Youth’s involvement in the design group until the end of July 2022. Any funds which have not been spent by that point can be used towards London Youth’s core running costs over the next twelve months.
Magpie Dance
£66,670 over two further and final years (£33,335; £33,335) for costs associated with delivering Youth, Community and Adult dance activities for people with learning disabilities in London.
Masorti Judaism
£90,800 over four years (£24,400; £24,600; £19,100; £22,700) towards the costs of running emerging leaders’ courses, a leaders’ network, and leadership pipeline pack.
Partnership for Young London
£3,600 to resource Partnership for Young London to participate in a design group co-creating programme design for City Bridge Trust’s Anchor funding programme. This funding is to resource Partnership for Young London’s involvement in the design group until the end of July 2022. Any funds which have not been spent by that point can be used towards Partnership for Young London’s core running costs over the next twelve months.
Roald Dahl’s Marvellous Children’s Charity
£109,810 (£54,360; £55,450) over two years for a Roald Dahl Transition Nurse.
Royal Greenwich Heritage Trust
£4,375 to fund access and inclusive design training for staff and carry out an independent access audit to improve access to Charlton House and Gardens.
Sisters of Frida CIC
£3,750 to resource Sisters of Frida to participate in a design group co-creating programme design for City Bridge Trust’s Anchor funding programme. This funding is to resource Sisters of Frida’s involvement in the design group until the end of July 2022. Any funds which have not been spent by that point can be used towards Sisters of Frida’s core running costs over the next twelve months.
Spectra CIC
£3,000 to resource Spectra to participate in a design group co-creating programme design for City Bridge Trust’s Anchor funding programme. This funding is to resource Spectra’s involvement in the design group until the end of July 2022. Any funds which have not been spent by that point can be used towards Spectra’s core running costs over the next twelve months.
St James Garlickhythe
£2,200 (5.5 days) to provide an eco-audit
St Leonard, Streatham
£2,400 (6 days) to provide an eco-audit.
£162,050 over three years (£52,650, £54,010, £55,390) towards the salary and on-costs of a new Chief Executive for Steps2Recovery.
Streetwise Opera
£94,000 over two further and final years (£46,000; £48,000) towards the delivery of services and activities offered to people experiencing homelessness (performers) across London, including contributions towards the London Programme Producer’s salary, activities programme running costs, and organisational overhead costs.
The Housing Associations’ Charitable Trust
£3,000 to resource Housing Associations’ Charitable Trust to participate in a design group co-creating programme design for City Bridge Trust’s Anchor funding programme. This funding is to resource HACT’s involvement in the design group until the end of July 2022. Any funds which have not been spent by that point can be used towards HACT’s core running costs over the next twelve months.
The Interlink Foundation
£3,450 to resource Interlink Foundation to participate in a design group co-creating programme design for City Bridge Trust’s Anchor funding programme. This funding is to resource Interlink Foundation’s involvement in the design group until the end of July 2022. Any funds which have not been spent by that point can be used towards Interlink Foundation’s core running costs over the next twelve months.
The Mary Dolly Foundation
£49,140 over two years (£24,570; £24,570) deliver therapeutic interventions to children and young people who have experienced emotional, physical, domestic and/or sexual abuse.
Voluntary Action Harrow CIC
£3,600 to resource Voluntary Action Harrow to participate in a design group co-creating programme design for City Bridge Trust’s Anchor funding programme. This funding is to resource Voluntary Action Harrow’s involvement in the design group until the end of July 2022. Any funds which have not been spent by that point can be used towards Voluntary Action Harrow’s core running costs over the next twelve months.
Women for Refugee Women
£3,000 to resource Women for Refugee Women to participate in a design group co-creating programme design for City Bridge Trust’s Anchor funding programme. This funding is to resource Women for Refugee Women’s involvement in the design group until the end of July 2022. Any funds which have not been spent by that point can be used towards Women for Refugee Women’s core running costs over the next twelve months.
Small Grants – Bridging Divides
Active Living Support CIC
£20,000 over two years (£10,000; £10,000) towards street and contemporary dance sessions for disadvantaged young people aged between 10 and 16 years old living with physical and mental disabilities.
Edible Landscapes London
£20,000 over two years (£10,000 x 2) to fund part-time Project Co-ordinator.
Friends of Chislehurst & Walden Recreation Grounds
£11,900 over five years (£2,900; £2,200; £2,500; £1,200; £3,100) towards Gardening Club and Environmental Group activities and the associated volunteer costs
Hawa Trust Limited
£19,830 over two years (£9,830; £10,000) to contribute to the running costs of Hawa Trust Limited’s ‘The African Women’s’ yoga project.
£24,380 over three years (£7,740; £8,120; £8,520) for ‘Hands on the Wheel’, a project delivering ceramics courses to children and young people.
Youth on the Move (London)
£50,000 over five years (£10,000; £10,000; £10,000; £10,000; £10,000) to run an arts and performance project that will integrate young people with disabilities with mainstreamed young people.
Advice and Support
East End Citizens Advice Bureaux
£180,400 over three years (£57,400, £58,400, £64,600) towards a FTE Advisor/Caseworker and project related costs to provide social welfare advice to women in Hackney
Hammersmith and Fulham Law Centre
£119,700 for a further and final two years (£58,800, £60,900) for a f/t solicitor and contribution to organisational overheads to develop an Anti-Child Poverty Unit.
Haringey Somali Community and Cultural Association
£197,380 over 5 years (£38,460; £38,930; £39,480; £39,980; £40,530) covering costs for 1 f/t Welfare Benefits Advisor and a contribution to HSCCA’s overheads.
Hope Family Trust
£65,400 (£21,600; £21,600; £22,200) for the part-time Volunteer Co-ordinator (2dpw) and associated project costs towards the foodbank volunteer programme.
Maternity Action
£100,000 over two further and final years (£49,500; £50,500) for a p/t Advice Worker (28hrs) to provide a London specific telephone advice service with additional appointment-based advice and outreach work to develop relationships with frontline services supporting pregnant women on low incomes.
Rainham Foodbank
£124,000 over three years (£40,000, £41,500, £42,500) towards the costs of the foodbank Centre Coordinator and associated food distribution costs supporting people facing food poverty.
Work Rights Centre
£240,000 over five years (£46,000; £47,000; £48,000; £49,000; £50,000) to fund the full-time Service Provision Manager to coordinate advice work in London, with a contribution to organisational overhead costs proportionate to the share of the organisation’s activities being delivered in London
Young Women’s Trust
£71,800 for a further two and final years (£35,000, £36,800) towards the project running costs for Work It Out in London.
Youth Legal and Resource Centre
£69,500 for two further and final years (£33,500; £36,000) for a part-time Debt and Money Advice Caseworker (3dpw) and associated project costs.
Anniversary Programme
£342,500 over three years (£106,200; £117,400; £118,900) towards a project whereby AdviceUK and 11 organisations will use a Whole Person, Whole Community approach will co-produce a challenge to funders on the way current monitoring and evaluation of advice services are limiting their effectiveness.
Africa Advocacy Foundation
£275,000 over two years (£130,733; £144,267) towards the salary costs of staff within the One Voice Network and National Aids Trust involved in delivering the Unheard Voices project; funding also covers project costs; evaluation and project support costs.
Global Black Thrive CIC
£298,200 over three years (£111,400; £93,400; £93,400) towards a project to build No Wrong Door, a partnership to create a human-centred system in which a referral for any employment support provider in Lambeth would lead the individual to a service which meets their needs, so there will be no ‘wrong door’ for any Black and/or Disabled individual seeking help.
London Youth
£300,000 over two years (£138,000; £162,000) to pilot a place-based model to build the capacity of the youth sector to support young people’s mental health needs in Croydon.
The Bridge Renewal Trust
£300,000 over three years (£100,000 x 3) towards a project to build the capacity of Place Based Giving Schemes in London to develop and apply Participatory Grant Making models in a local context.
Strategic Initiatives
Action for Race Equality
£400,000 over three years (£160,000; £160,000; £80,000) to Action for Race Equality towards the pan-funder Windrush Justice programme. City Bridge Trust’s funding is restricted to the small grants, capacity building, and convening elements of work, with all monies restricted for the benefit of Londoners.
£142,500 over 3 years (£50,000; £46,000; £46,500) towards establishing the Good Prison Initiative within HMP Isis.
Cranfield Trust
£151,460 for a further and final 12 months of support to Cranfield Trust’s Strive Programme of consultancy and mentoring for London-based charitable organisations.
London Legal Support Trust
£6,000,000 over five years to the London Legal Support Trust for running costs and onward grant-making as part of the Advice Skills Development Fund.
£363,940 over four years (£122,271, £95,425, £97,904, £48,340) to carry out a longitudinal research study, to explore the long-term impact of one-to-one school-based counselling, supporting the case for early intervention in mental health.
Stepping Stones
The Leaside Trust
£45,000 over one year for the costs of an architect’s feasibility study, a fixed number of business analyst consultant hours, and a pilot programme of environmental education classes.