Media Trust

City Bridge Foundation has a long and extremely productive relationship with communications experts at Media Trust, established in 1994 to support charities to reach and engage new audiences. Media Trust provides charities with training, film production, news distribution and volunteers from the media industry.

Media Trust logo

We work in partnership with the Media Trust, a charity that supports front-line organisations in raising their voice and sharing their work with their key audiences. This is via two programmes: Stronger Voices, and Telling Your Stories. Both programmes uplift charities’ skills in Media and PR, communications, influencing and filmmaking.

Stronger Voices is a free, six-month strategic communications capacity-building programme for London-based equality organisations. The programme supports equality organisations to communicate more effectively with their audiences and raise the profile of their work in the media.

Telling Your Stories helps charities promote their work through powerful storytelling via film-making. The films are completely free for the charities and vary enormously in style and content, and are used for purposes such as brand awareness, volunteer recruitment, campaigning and fundraising. 

Working with some of the industry’s most creative directors, producers, and cameramen, a collaborative approach results in powerful and engaging charity films that can be widely shared. The films have extremely high production values and are often award-winning.

Telling Your Stories video

Arts-based London charity, Entelechy Arts use music to combat the loneliness that people feel as they get older. Made in partnership with Media Trust, this short video shows how beneficial community, music and a good singalong can be.