Grants of more than £46m approved between 1 April 2023 and 26 September 2023

In the six months up to 26 September 2023, 283 grants valued at more than £46m have been approved by the City Bridge Foundation Board and the Board’s Funding Committee

Anchor Programme — Resourcing Grant

Action for Race Equality
£1,491,000 over ten years (£149,000; £149,000; £148,000; £149,500; £149,000; £149,500; £149,000; £149,000; £149,000; £150,000) towards core costs to enable Action for Race Equality to continue to support London’s BME-led voluntary sector including contributions towards CEO, Head of Policy, UPLIFT Programme Manager and Project Support Officer salaries.

Alliance for Inclusive Education
£1,500,000 over ten years (£150,000 per year) towards core costs to help ALLFIE challenge systemic barriers to inclusive education in London and support London’s DPO sector.

Consortium LGBT
£1,408,400 over ten years (£145,000; £126,100; £134,000; £136,500; £144,600; £141,700; £138,900; £147,200; £144,600; £149,800) of core funding towards core London team roles (two full-time roles), resourcing member engagement in activities at a policy and strategic level, development and costs to participation in an advisory board and the development of LGBT sector leadership

End Violence Against Women Coalition (EVAW)
£979,370 (£124,000; £128,960; £134,120; £139,480; £145,060; £150,860; £156,890) over seven years towards EVAW’s core costs.

£993,700 over eight years (£110,200; £113,500; £123,700; £120,500; £124,100; £134,500; £131,600; £135,600) of core funding towards Galop’s Policy and Research team.

HEAR Equality and Human Rights Network
£999,200 over 10-years (£103,000; £98,600; £98,600; £98,600; £103,000; £98,600; £98,600; £98,600; £98,600; £103,000) of core funding towards the full-time roles of Director and Coordinator to support further development and support for members to bring about systemic change in addressing marginalisation and discrimination experiences by those with intersecting identities, and across all protected characteristics.

£1,202,900 over ten years (£106,200; £109,100; £112,100; £115,100; £118,300; £121,500; £124,900; £128,300; £131,900; £135,500) towards Imkaan’s core costs.

Inclusion Barnet
£979,500 over seven years (£129,400; £131,900; £135,800; £139,900; £144,100; £148,400; £150,000) towards core costs to enable Inclusion Barnet to challenge the systemic barriers negatively impacting Disabled People and other marginalised groups in Barnet.

Migrants Rights Network
£591,300 over seven years (£74,880, £76,525, £80,048, £85,102, £87,225, £91,260, £96,260) towards the core costs of the organisation, including the full-time salary of the Community and Capacity Building Manager to increase collaboration, solidarity and justice across the migrant sector as well as with intersecting sectors (such as LGBTQ+, disability, race equality).

Muslim Charities Forum
£925,000 over ten years (£96,000, £84,000, £84,000, £86,000, £95,000, £91,000, £93,000, £95,000, £99,000, £102,000) towards the continued development and launching of a strengthened governance support framework comprising of: relevant resources; one-to-one support; a bespoke health check; programme of events; and a network of professional service support providers. The grant includes the recruitment of a new Governance Support Lead role.

Southall Community Alliance
£543,400 over eight years (£69,550; £68,900; £68,250; £68,250; £67,600; £66,950; £66,950 £66,950) towards core costs to enable SCA to support Global Majority voluntary sector groups to challenge systemic barriers within Southall and the surrounding areas.

Spectra CIC
Award £1,003,000.00 over seven years (135,300.00, 138,000.00, 140,700.00, 143,600.00, 146,400.00, 149,400.00, 149,600.00) to support core costs and build capacity in the trans and sex worker sector through second-tier collaboration and capacity building.

The Interlink Foundation
£1,283,370 over ten years (£138,000; £122,610; £121,340; £118,200: £122,200; £128,340; £130,620; £132,520; £134,520; £135,020) of core funding to address the systemic barriers to the Orthodox Jewish community accessing key services.

Bridging Divides — general grants

Bridging Divides

Social Farms & Gardens
£474,000 is recommended over five years (87,500; 91,000; 94,500; 98,500; 102,500) towards the salaries of the London Learning and Development Manager and London Learning and Development Officer, freelance facilitation costs, event costs, travel expenses, access costs, external evaluation, and a proportionate contribution to core costs.

Link UP London C.I.C.
£299,000 over five years (64,000; 57,000; 58,000; 59,000; 61,000) towards the salaries and on-costs of the Skilled Volunteering Officer and Events Manager, postholders’ travel and training, event costs, and a contribution to core costs.

The Switchback Initiative
£242,780 over four years (£57,306, £59,685, £61,799 and £63,990) towards the salary and oncosts for a Switchback Specialist Mentor to support & enable more young Londoners — Trainees through mentoring to find a way out of the justice system and build a stable, rewarding life in the community. The funding requested will also support the caseloads costs of Trainees and their expenses.

£2,750 for an access audit and access and equality awareness training.

£80,000 over two years (two x £40,000) towards the Haramacy arts programme.

£100,000 (£30,000, £30,000, £40.000) towards the costs of production of Country of Origin Information (COI) reports, capacity building of stakeholders and volunteers, and publication of thematic and migration emergency reports to support London Asylum seekers.

£90,000 over three years (£50,000, £25,000, £15,000) to develop a digital app and distribute mobile technology to ensure access to digital tools to help refugees find housing, food vouchers, legal assistance, learning English and for communication

Circles South East
£100,000 over a further and final two years (£50,000; £50,000) towards the salary of a full-time Co-ordinator and associated costs of running Circles London

Street Storage
£2,050 for an access audit for Street Storage’s new headquarters and to provide accessibility training.

London Nightline
£100,000 (£50,000; £50,000) over two years towards core costs to enable London Nightline to provide a free peer-to-peer confidential night-time listening service for students in distress and the associated operational costs.

Children Change Colombia Ltd
£27,483 for one year towards a pilot project Colombia Colores: Discover your Colombian Roots

The Stuart Low Trust
£239,900 over five years (£46,600; £48,600; £47,300; £49,300; £48,100) for a part-time Arts Inclusion Project Coordinator, part-time contributions to Project Administrator and Chief Executive Officer salaries, other project costs and support costs, to deliver the SLT pARTicipate’ project in Islington.

Voluntary Action Harrow Co-op
£117,800 over two further and final years (£58,000; £59,800) to develop and run the Harrow Giving Scheme, including the salary and on-costs of a full-time Community and Corporate Fundraising Manager and a contribution to core costs.

The Magpie Project
£260,550 over five years (48,400 50,150, 52,000, 54,000 and 56,000) towards the Family Support Manager salary (full-time) with on costs and running costs

Stonegrove Community Trust
£39,320 capital funding to contribute to the cost of installing 222 solar panels at the OneStonegrove community centre.

St Clement and St James Community Development Project
£164,122 over five years (£30,000, £31,350, £32,761, £34,235, £35,776) to deliver an Information, Advice and Guidance and Employment service which provides impartial advice and support for local residents from low income and marginalised populations.

The Maya Centre
£106,990 over two further and final years (£51,940; £55,050) for specialist counselling for minoritised, Global Majority, refugee and migrant women who have experienced gender-based violence and trauma.

Volunteer Centre Tower Hamlets
£228,420 over three years to enable voluntary sector organisations in Tower Hamlets to develop high quality and inclusive volunteering.

Belong: Making Justice Happen
£159,800 over three years (£52,000; £53,300; £54,500) for a part-time Creative Psychotherapist, part-time Restorative Justice Practitioner and associated costs to contribute to the PLAN A programme in HMPYOI Isis in South East London.

ThinkForward (UK)
£120,000 over three years (£40,000, £40,000, £40,000) towards a programme of coaching, youth participation and workplace activities for young women at risk of unemployment, empowering them to transition successfully into work.

Half Moon Young People’s Theatre Ltd
£139,000 for the costs of access improvements of the Half Moon Theatre venue.

The Harrow Club
£250,000 over five years (£45,200; £47,500; £49,900; £52,400; £55,000) for a full-time Another Way Project Lead.

£131,100 over three years to deliver the Boys2Men project in Hounslow, to support boys and young men aged 10 — 18, who are engaged in criminal activities or vulnerable to becoming so, to make better life choices.

Brentford FC Community Sports Trust
£199,430 over five years (£37,495, £38,995, £39,970, £40,970, £42,000) for half full-time salary of Deaf Project Co-ordinator and oncosts, coaches, venue hire, Deaf interpreters, sports equipment, training, management and overheads, to provide sports, social and employability activities for Deaf and Disabled Young People.

Bench Outreach
£184,353 over five years (£34,664, £36,050, £37,132, £37,875, £38,632) project grant towards the salary and on costs of a full-time advice worker allowing Bench Outreach to continue delivering high-quality advice work to people experiencing poverty, homelessness, and housing issues.

Phosphoros Theatre
£125,632 over three years (£40,646, £41,860, £43,126) toward Head of Community, Producer, Admin and Support Officer and toward the project management and delivery costs of Phosphoros Theatre’s community engagement work for young refugees and asylum seekers in London.

Equal People Mencap
£155,390 over three years (£50,497; £51,767 and £53,126) for Equal People Mencap to run a programme for people with learning difficulties in Kensington & Chelsea to enable them to become ready for work or gain volunteering roles.

£250,000 over five years (£50,000 a year) towards a Quality Impact Manager, associated costs and contribution to overheads.

Iraqi Association
£125,225 over three years (£40,740; £41,732; £42,753) to cover the costs of a full-time multilingual Advisor and a portion of overheads.

Citizens Advice Hammersmith & Fulham
£103,900 over two further and final years (£50,900; £53;000) for a f/​t community outreach senior adviser and associated costs to provide outreach advice to communities who do not usually access mainstream advice services.

Stonewall Housing
£149,273 for three further and final years (£49,470; £49,803; £50,000) for full-time Advice practitioner, IT and phone costs, admin, line management and oncosts.

Rainbow Migration
Funding is recommended as follows: £128,489 across three years (£41,570, £42,817, £44,102) to deliver its specialist emotional and practical support services and unique immigration advice service for LGBTQI+ asylum seekers based in London.

Action West London
£150,000 over three years (48,500; 50,000; 51,500) towards the salaries of the Positive Transitions Worker and Project Officer, a range of project costs, and a contribution to organisational overheads.

10 Windsor Walk CIC
£145,775 over five years (£26,495; £26,892; £29,582; £29,908; £32,898) towards specialist and support staff for the therapeutic parent, baby and toddler group for refugees, migrants and asylum seekers; interpreters and translation; towards the Outreach Coordinator, subsistence and travel; and a contribution to core costs.

Islington Faiths Forum
£185,450 over three years (£61,478; £61,376; £62,596) for the salary, activity and oncosts of the Community Welfare Outreach Workers, hosted by Muslim Welfare House; the specialist immigration advice, delivered by Praxis; print and advertising costs; IFF’s costs associated with delivering the project’s capacity building work and a contribution to IFF’s office costs.

The Together Project CIO
£125,000 over three years (£42,000, £41,000, £42,000) towards costs of rolling out Songs & Smiles intergenerational music groups across London.

Markfield Project
£137,235 over three years (£44,812, £45,496, £46,927) to Markfield Project for improving the transition to adulthood for young people with SEND through a holistic approach.

Muslim Charities Forum
Award £245,500 (£72,500, £82,000, £91,000) to deliver policy development and advocacy, to strengthen representation of the London Muslim-led charity sector and build capacity for minority communities.

£221,697 over five years; (£42,177, £43,232, £44,313, £45,421 £46,554) to support disabled survivors with an Acquired Brain Injury (ABI) in transitioning from hospital discharge to engaging with their communities in a meaningful way.

Unique Talent CIC
£162,500 over five years (£32,500 X 5) to cover the costs of a full-time support worker/​mentor as well as a small portion of travel and resources costs.

Whale Song Music Therapy CIC
£67,485 over five years to provide free community music therapy to children, young people and adults with a learning disability living in Waltham Forest.

Clapton Common Boys Club
£201,930 over five years (£38,500; £39,325; £40,110; £40,914; and £43,081) for Clapton Common Boys Club to run a parenting programme for Jewish fathers from low-income households.

Fight Against Blindness
£89,600 over four years (£22,400 x 4) to cover the costs of a principal psychologist and a small portion of overheads.

Hampstead Theatre
£2,450 to meet the costs of an independent access audit of Hampstead Theatre to provide recommendations to improve accessibility for all users

You My Sister
£38,640 to You My Sister over three years (£12,500, £12,875 and £13,265) towards outreach and the delivery of its online courses for survivors of the sex trade in London.

AFC Wimbledon Foundation
£96,268 over four years (Y1 £7,716, Y2 £26,962, Y3 £30,493 Y4 £31,097) for salaries, sessional staff, facility costs and management charges for the older people’s health and wellbeing programme.

One Newham
£100,000 over two years (£50,000 x 2) to build better representative mechanisms for community groups in Newham. The funding award covers a part-time Co-ordinator and related project costs.

The Grove Centre
£2,625.00 to meet the costs of an independent access audit for the design appraisal for a more flexible and accessible space for community use.

Peer Power Youth
£99,125 over two years (£48,680; £50,445) towards the cost of Peer Power Youth’s young partners leading and delivering voice and influence work across health, social care and justice.

Lewisham Youth Theatre
£99,600 over two years (£49,063, 50,537) towards the cost of a Youth Voice Co-ordinator and associated project costs.

Royal Air Forces Association
£84,120 (£41,640, £42,480) over two years to deliver advice and befriending support to reduce the impact of the cost-of-living crisis and isolation on older RAF veterans.

West London Zone
£90,000 over three years (£30,000 each year) towards the salaries of Head of Knowledge and Insights and Partnerships Officer

National Centre for Young People with Epilepsy (operating name Young Epilepsy)
£95,972 over two years (Year One: £49,249; Year Two: £46,723) to deliver a Voice and Leadership programme for young people with epilepsy in London, covering staffing and project costs.

Sutton Vision
£89,000 over five years (£19,600, £18,800, £17,800, £16,800, £16,000) as a core grant, to support ongoing delivery of activities aimed at reducing isolation of individuals with a visual impairment in Sutton

Women’s Association For African Networking And Development
£93,100 over three years (£28,860, £31,160, £33,080) towards the running of a food bank and food delivery services in Kensington and Chelsea.

Nordoff Robbins Music Therapy
£161,685 over three years (£52,830; £53,890; £54,965) towards Nordoff and Robbins’ programme of music therapy in London schools including the salary of a full-time music therapist, travel costs, musical instruments, management, and office costs.

SeeAbility, the operating name of The Royal School for the Blind
£100,000 over two further and final years (£50,000, £50,000) for staff and running costs of the Every Day in Focus programme, improving access to eye care for Londoners with learning disabilities and autism.

Family Action
£98,037 over three years (£32,444, £32,380, £33,213) for a part time Caseworker, and towards the Service Manager, volunteer costs, associated activity costs for participants and project management costs.

Ladies of Virtue Outreach CIC
£88,960 over three years (£26,880; £29,570; £32,510) towards ESOL classes and a volunteer programme for refugee and migrant women.

Neighbourhood Watch Network
£81,210 over two years to deliver activities in London to amplify young peoples’ voices and paths to leadership in crime prevention, to build safer and more cohesive communities.

Citizen Development Community Centre (CDCC)
£22,600 over two years (£11,300; £11,300) for a sessional Project Manager, sessional English Tutor, volunteer expenses and other project costs to deliver ESOL classes to women in Newham.

Single Homeless Project
£90,474 over two years contributing to salary, management support, staff travel and psychotherapy support.

Community Drug and Alcohol Recovery Services
£83,097 over two further and final years (£40,535 year one and £42,562 year two) as a contribution to the salary and related costs to deliver the charity’s in-house and outreach health and wellbeing programme.

£5,000 to meet the costs of an independent access audit of PEER, including an access design appraisal and staff training.

Lord’s Taverners
£198,600 over three years (£60,000; £66,000; £72,600) to expand and deliver the Super 1s, an inclusive cricket programme for disabled young people aged 12–25, across London.

Castlehaven Community Association
£105,050 over two further and final years (£51,524 and £53,526) to Castlehaven Community Association to continue and develop the Greenworks Project and support the wider Camden community to improve the local environment and open spaces.

Blind in Business Charitable Trust
£165,375 over three years (3 x £55,125), towards 100% of the salary costs of a full-time Employment Manager (£33,075) and full-time Employment Co-ordinator (£22,050).

Generation: You Employed, UK
£246,890 over three years (£82,294, £82,294, £82,294), of which £119,390 will be spent, over the funding period, across a number of staff positions – an Outreach Manager, Senior Outreach Manager, Admissions Manager, Mentors, and Employability Coaches, which combined do not exceed one full time position. £106,500 will be spent, over three years, on learner programme costs which includes contribution to childcare and nursery costs, outreach materials, laptops and dongles. A further £21,000 is requested as a contribution to London related overheads.£246,890 over three years to improve the lives of disadvantaged young women in London through the provision of bootcamp training, mentorship and coaching and signposting to jobs and careers.

The Leaside Trust
£150,000 for access improvement works including a replacement platform lift, replacement river jetty, signage and wayfinding, project management fees, among other smaller access improvement works, and a contingency sum.

StandOut Programme
£248,540 over four years (£60,100, £59,920, £62,740, £65,780) towards the costs of running a coaching programme in HMP Wormwood Scrubs.

PramDepot C.I.C.
£76,000 over three years (£25,600, £25,600, £24,800) towards costs of staff and materials for baby box distribution to women who are refugees, asylum seekers or have insecure migration status, across London.

New Art Studio
£45,000 over three years (3 x £15,000) towards the cost of providing art therapy for refugee and asylum seekers to help to address trauma and build confidence and self-esteem. Funding will support art psychotherapy posts and studio costs.

Oval Learning Cluster
£73,200 over two years (£35,700, £37,500) for staffing and delivery costs of delivering a capacity-building programme and associated events for local voluntary organisations in North Lambeth.

British Deaf Association
£96,290 over two years (£57,215, £39,075) contributing to salaries, project costs and associated overhead costs.

Big Red Bus Club Charlton
£24,450 over two further and final years (£12,045, £12,405) for the stay and play’ service run by the Big Red Bus Club, including staff salaries, volunteer expenses, activity costs and marketing and publicity materials.

Dream Believe Achieve CIC
£51,250 over two years (£25,000, £26,250) towards staff costs for the Female Youth Engagement Project, as well as relevant project and management costs.

Cruse Bereavement Support
£99,950 over two years (£47,790, £52,160) towards the running of bereavement support groups and one to one sessions across London.

St Margaret’s House Settlement
£90,715 over two further and final years (£45,493; £45,222) towards the Project Coordinator salary, running and project management costs of the arts programme for disabled adults in Tower Hamlets and Newham, to increase confidence, independence, and autonomy of participants.

£50,000 over two years (£24,118; £25,882) towards freelance staff for Project Delivery and Outreach and Project evaluation and Communications; Citizens UK membership; participant and volunteer expenses and a contribution to core costs.

Mind in Harrow
£95,400 over two years (£49,600; £45,800) towards the cost of strengthening the voice and leadership skills of Harrow residents with mental ill health so that they can better influence and shape local services. Funding will support a senior manager post and training and delivery costs of a peer volunteer programme.

Camden Giving
£90,000 over two further and final years (2 x £45,000) as core funding contributions towards the Director and Assistant Director posts.

Luminary Limited
£53,500 over one year towards a full-time Progression Support Worker, as well as associated management and project costs.

Ethiopian Women’s Empowerment Group
£42,300 over three years (£13,800; £14,100; £14,400) towards salary costs and associated overheads of the Executive Director role to sustain and develop the charity’s work in west London.

3 Pillars Project C.I.O.
£40,000 (2 x £20,000) over two further and final years towards the Operations Manager salary.

£85,100 over two further and final years (£42,100; £43,000) towards salary costs to support the volunteering and peer support programme, as well as a proportion towards clinical supervision, volunteer costs and overheads.

Camden People’s Theatre
£81,000 over two years (£40,500; £40,500) towards costs related to their accessibility project.

The Health Forum
£270,000 over five years (£47,000, £51,500, £54,500, £57,000, 60,000) towards a full-time Partner Development Manager to provide infrastructure support to BME-led organisations, as well as associated project and management costs.

£262,785 over four years (£56,625; £66,815; £68,823; £70,522) towards two part-time workers delivering Aston Mansfield’s Fitter Finance programme addressing the financial capability of voluntary and community sector organisations in Newham.

You Make It
£560,000 over five years (£97,500, £107,500, £112,500, £118,500, £124,000) towards Chief Executive, Director of Operations, and Core Programmes Manager to run You Make It’s empowerment programme, as well as associated project and counselling costs.

£500,000 over three years (£103,500; £179,500; £217,000) to convert £1.5m of donated hotel stays into breaks for 5,200 London based unpaid carers.

British Refugee Council
£317,505 over five years (£65,645; £59,835; £64,821; £62,971; £64,233) towards the Advocacy and Campaigns Coordinator post, the Community Engagement Manager post and the Head of Public Affairs and Policy; Staff and volunteer travel costs, IT hardware, Website development, specialist training consultancy, space hire and oncosts.

YMCA St Paul’s Group
£262,200 over three years (£84,100, £88,000, £90,100) to deliver Crime Diversion (Sports for Development) and Prevention (Individual Mentoring) activities and interventions to reach at risk and high need young people aged 11–21 from Hayes and Northolt.

Sister Circle
£269,725 over five years (£50,640, £53,040, £54,095, £55,345, £56,605) to cover the costs of a full-time Service User engagement and Communications role and community engagement activities.

Into the Light Counselling and Support for Survivors C.I.C
£49,600 over four years (£7,980, £12,880, £13,940, £14,800) to run biannual Women’s Survivors Group Psycho-Educational Courses for Londoners.

Ellingham Employment Services
£3,870 to meet the costs of an independent access audit of Ellingham Employment Services, including an access design appraisal of refurbishment plans and access and equality training for staff.

Bromley Brighter Beginnings
£40,500 over three years (£15,000, £13,500, £12,000) towards the cost of the charity’s first paid employee, a General Manager.

UK welcomes Refugees
£127,370 over three years (£40,400, £42,420, £44,550) the full-time salary of Senior Community Organiser to build and manage a network of 30 Community Leaders from the Hong Kong refugee community, to help integrate 600 isolated Hong Kongers.

London Arts and Health Forum
£152,915 over five years (£32,250, £28,400, £29,565, £30,750, £31,950) as a contribution to the recruitment of training providers, a network facilitator, project manager (Creativity and Wellbeing Week) and Children/​Young People Coordinator.

The Hardman Trust
£239,920 over three years (£84,670; £78,570; £76,680) for salary, project and management costs for the pilot project working with prisoners in London and those returning to London to test effective interventions to enable positive resettlement for people on release from long term prison sentences.

Grand Union Music Theatre Ltd
£40,500 over two years (£26,500, £14,000) towards creative projects bringing marginalised communities together and to empower emerging young artists to strengthen their voices by creating and sharing their work.

£229,400 over five years (5 x £45,880) to support Adfam@Home in London, a remote counselling service for people with a long-term mental health condition resulting from a family member’s substance misuse.

Iranian Association
£150,175 over five years (£28,342; £29,163; £30,010; £30,881; £31,779) towards Emotional Support Adviser and Marketing & Administrative Assistant, Training, four Cultural Events and oncosts to improve the health and emotional well-being of Iranian refugees.

Hodan Somali Community
£186,000 over five years (£22,000, £38,000, £40,000, £42,000, £44,000) towards staffing and delivery costs of an income maximisation and employability support programme.

Beyond Food Foundation
£128,210 over five years (£21,000, £23,100, £25,410, £27,950, £30,750) towards salary of Support and Progression Manager and salary of Support and Progression Assistant to support ex-offenders at risk of homelessness to develop skills and secure employment.

The Connection at St Martin-in-the-Fields
£156,710 over three years (£50,370; £52,385; £53,955) for an accredited Migration Co-ordinator to deliver specialist immigration casework and supervise a migration caseworker.

The GesherEU Support Network
£107,200 over five years (£19,302, £20,325, £21,371, £22,504, £23,698) to the part-time salary of the Community Co-ordinator and project costs to support services users in London, all of whom have left the Ultra-Orthodox Jewish community, to build support networks, skills, and a life in mainstream society.

Sutton Mencap
£116,000 (£57,143, £58,857) over two years to cover part-time project manager, and part-time learning disabled support worker salaries, project and management costs.

360 Giving
£170,000 over four years (£50,000; £45,000; £40,000; £35,000) as a contribution to core costs.

Camden Psychotherapy Unit
£121,045 over five years (£20,226; £22,046; £24,030; £26,193; £28,550) towards psychotherapy services for young people.

Soundcastle Ltd
£129,100 over three years (£40,870; £42,990; £45,240) to cover a portion of staff costs (part-time Programme lead, lead and associate music facilitators and a project coordinator equating to full-time), venue hire and refreshments, project resources and materials as well as music equipment.

Islington Somali Community
£128,000 over five years (£25,000, £25,750, £25,750, £25,750, £25,750) to Islington Somali Community to assist and advise Somali and East African refugees in accessing housing, immigration, health, and education services through a wide-ranging advice programme.

The Cinnamon Network
£175,000 over five years (£45,000; £40,000; £35,000; £30,000; £25,000) as a contribution to the salary and project costs of a organisational capacity building programme for a network of London churches committed to establishing social action projects to meet the needs of their local communities.

Cypriot Community Centre
£148,985 over three years (£46,565, £48,700, £53,720) towards Advice Worker, management, AQS assessment, accreditation, and oncosts to provide specialist housing, employment and benefits advice and support social inclusion and integration of isolated people into the social aspects of the Cypriot Community Centre.

Helen Bamber Foundation
£240,000 over four years (£64,500, £61,500, £58,500, £55,500) towards core support to enable survivors of trafficking to access trauma-informed, specialist clinical care to rebuild their lives and engage with new opportunities to move forward.

Our Time
£61,000 over two further and final years (£34,000; £27,000) towards the salaries of Our Time’s CEO, Head of Education and Learning and Development Director.

Anti-Tribalism Movement
£100,000 over two years (£50,000 x 2) towards core costs including CEO salary, Project Manager salary and a contribution to overhead costs.

£245,000 over five years (£47,000, £48,000, £49,000, £50,000, £51,000) to employ a full-time Welfare Benefits Advisor to provide in-person support in Haringey and Hackney, and offer a phone service more widely across North London.

The Hackney Foodbank
£219,900 over five years (£41,900; £42,400; £43,800; £45,200; £46,600) towards a full-time Case Worker and associated project costs.

Project TurnOver UK
£85,000 over five years (£27,500; £22,500; £17,500; £12,500; £5,000) as core funding to underpin the work Project TurnOver UK does supporting young people (12–21 years) at risk of being, or who have been permanently excluded from school, are known to the police, are in prison or a Youth Offending Team, in care or are at risk for the school to prison pipeline.

Palace for Life Foundation
£250,000 over three years (£81,000, £83,000, £86,000) towards the Made in South London’ campaign to support the scaling of programmes with young women and disabled participants to reach a further 3,600 children and young people in South London.

The Lloyd Park Children’s Charity
£250,000 over 5 years (5 x £50,000) towards the role of a Community Wellbeing Support Worker and on costs.

Doorstep Library Network
£110,610 over two years (£54,240; £56,370) to support staffing (two Programme Managers, one Project Coordinator and a Volunteer Coordinator and project costs over two years to sustain and expand volunteering activities in Westminster and Lambeth, to provide weekly reading sessions to disadvantaged families.

Avenues Youth Project
£170,000 over five years (£45,000, £40,000, £35,000, £30,000, £20,000) as core funding towards salaries and running costs allowing AYP to continue delivering high-quality youth work to their disadvantaged female membership.

Vallance Community Sports Association
£127,000 over three years (£44,000, £41,000, £42,000) towards staffing and delivery costs of an enhanced SEN programme that builds life skills and agency of young learning disabled participants.

Renewal Programme
£227,000 over five years (£50,000; £47,500; £45,000; £42,500; £42,000) towards Renewal Programme’s core costs.

£150,000 over three years (£48,000; £50,000; £52,000) towards tax advice provided for people residing in London, including for a full-time Tax Adviser salary and on-costs, promotion materials and a contribution to overheads.

Enfield Somali Community
£124,500 over five years (£32,100; £32,100; £22,300; £22,300; £15,700) to support the provision of targeted specialist advice and support services for Somali people, and others in need, living in Enfield to help them remain safe, independent, and healthy.

Sounddelivery Media
£94,360 over two years (£47,180; £47,180) towards the programme delivery and content costs, external facilitators and overheads for a training programme to develop the skills and confidence of thirty six migrant domestic workers to advocate for their community in the media and influence public discourse.

Hundred Flower Cultural Centre
£45,240 over three years (£14,790; £14,780; £15,670) for Project Birlikta and safeguarding training in year one.

Afghan Association of London (Harrow)
£27,000 over two years (£13,500, £13,500) towards core and staff costs, including improvement of finance systems.

Autograph ABP
£93,600 over three further and final years (£31,100, £30,500, £32,000) towards creative art workshops at Autograph, which will be co-led by an artist with complex needs, for families who have a child or children with SEND.

Scarabeus Aerial Theatre
£60,000 over three years (3 x £20,000) towards Scarabeus Aerial Theatre’s programme of aerial theatre with disadvantaged young women.

St Giles Trust
£146,725 over three years (£48,492, £48,463, £49,770) to sustain the Peer Circles programme, a tailored advice service supporting 180 of the most vulnerable and stigmatised people to build a better future for themselves.

North London Hospice
£119,300 over three years (£38,400, £39,800, £41,100) towards a community engagement coordinator, training, group activity expenses, associated project running costs and contribution to overheads.

£226,650 over three years (3 x £75,550) towards the Family Worker and towards a Manager at the Lewisham project, rent at the Lewisham project space, office costs, travel, workshops, events with up to £34,000 available for the costs of an external evaluation of the charity’s frontline services in the capital.

Freedom from Torture
£213,000 over three years (3 x £71,000) to cover the full-time salary of a Psychological Therapist, interpretation costs and travel costs and mobile top ups for remote therapy sessions for clients as well as a contribution to overheads related to the costs of Freedom from Torture’s London Centre.

Elays Network
£142,000 over three years (£49,000; £45,000; £48,000) towards the Community Chef position (full-time) and associated activity costs.

Jigsaw4u Limited
£114,330 over two further and final years (£56,698, £57,632) towards the full-time salary of a Project Coordinator, volunteer training costs, organisational overheads, and associated project delivery costs.

Crisis UK
£246,275 over three years (£79,500, £81,350, £85,425) towards a full-time Senior Immigration Caseworker to support Crisis’ service users in London to improve their immigration status, as well as associated project and management costs.

Goldstar Creative Marketing
£190,800 over five years (£38,950; £38,950; £38,950; £38,950; £35,000) towards general operating costs to enable Goldstar Creative to deliver a bespoke skills training programme providing Charedi young women with tools and resilience required to transition from education to sustainable work.

Company Drinks CIC
£150,000 over five years (5 x £30,000) towards expansion of part-time Community Gardener, expansion of Youth Programmes Co-ordinator (part-time), Facilities Maintenance, Training, and oncosts.

Crossroads Care Richmond and Kingston upon Thames
£185,000 over five years (£50,000, £45,000, £40,000, £30,000, £20,000) towards expansion of provision for Older Carers, 800 hours/​year of respite breaks and a recruitment drive for new carers.

Bromley Homeless CIO
£298,000 over five years (£72,740, £65,000, £60,260, £53,000, £47,000) towards the costs of the Community Engagement and Fundraising Officer, Services Manager and Support Worker, rental and AQS accreditation.

Migrant Training Company Learning
£120,000 over three years (£40,500; £39,500; £40,000) towards a full-time Specialist Employment Advisor and a contribution towards on-cost to deliver the WISE Project.

Free Your Mind CIC
£142,500 over three years (£50,000, £47,500, £45,000) to sustain fundraising staff, develop marketing strategies, and support general growth.

Solace Women’s Aid
£238,465 over three years (£77,172; £79,488; £81,805) towards the salary of an Immigration Service Manager and associated running costs of the immigration service.

Mesila UK Limited
£160,000 over five years (£28,400; £30,100; £31,900; £33,800; £35,800) towards the costs of a Co-ordinator, administrator and client coach liaison and associated running costs.

Laburnum Boat Club
£4,055 to cover the costs of an access audit for improvements to LBC’s centre as part of its redevelopment strategy. Increased funding is being recommended to reflect the cost of accessibility awareness training included in CAE’s audit proposal.

Dr Johnson’s House Trust Ltd
£3,985 towards the cost of an access audit and community stakeholder consultation for access improvements to Dr Johnson’s House, with the award excluding the costs of interpretation materials.

Tower Hamlets Parents Centre
£48,000 over three years (3x £16,000) towards an ESOL tutor, materials, management, and premises costs.

£50,800 for a further and final two years (£25,000: £25,800) to contribute to the salary costs of the Project Co-ordinator and associated running costs.

Chance to Shine
£16,000 over three years (£5,000 in year one and then 2 x £5,500) to help the Chance to Shine Street Programme engage refugees and asylum seekers.

Sir Stanley Matthews Foundation
£44,000 over five years (£6,500 then 4 x £9,375) towards the running costs of football and other activities for children and young people with Down’s Syndrome.

BeLifted Now CIC
£14,835 over two years (£6,900; £7,935) to Belifted Now to deliver a second young girl support group to disadvantaged girls in a Pupil Referral Unit (PRU) in Barnet, providing support with confidence, relationships and improving behaviour.

Women’s Consortium
£41,500 over two years (£19,750, £21,750) towards a BACP accredited Counsellor to provide mental health support to women who have experienced abuse, hatred or exploitation, particularly in a domestic setting.

Petit Miracle Interiors Ltd
£86,000 over five years (£20,000, £18,000, £17,000, £16,000, £15,000) towards tools, materials, staffing, training and associated overhead project costs.

Little Village
£158,530 over three years (£51,290; £52,830; £54,410) for costs associated with Little Village’s baby bank, covering a contribution to operations staff, delivery and transport costs, site running costs and a contribution to organisational overheads.

Theatrum Mundi
£75,000 over two years (£39,600, £35,400) towards associated project costs of delivering the PolyvocalCity programme in Croydon.

£242,430 over three years (£77,771; £80,721 and £83,938) towards NCT’s Newham Nurture initiative, empowering parents from migrant, refugee and asylum-seeking families to access services to help them during pregnancy or the early years with their child. In addition, to enable them to use their lived experiences to shape and develop mainstream maternal services.

Money A+E Community Interest Company
£125,945 over three years (Y1: £45,498, Y2: £41,494, Y3: £38,953) to cover the cost of two part-time project staff (a Money Coach and a Project Support staff), Money Education workshops and a portion of overheads.

Brent Carers Centre
£245,000 over five years (£49,000; £46,000; £49,000; £49,500; £51,500) towards the organisation’s advice work, including one full-time Advice Worker’s salary and on-costs, recruitment fees, training costs, publicity and a contribution to core costs.

Children England
£249,410 over three years (£81,177; £83,117; £85,116) for the full-time Research and Learning Officer and the 0.6 FTE Community Outreach Officer, activity and research costs and a contribution to overheads.

The Change Foundation
£120,000 over three years (£39,000; £39,000; £42,000) towards the costs of delivering Fencing for Change programme, including coach fees, project management, evaluation, and the costs of an onward training course for future coaches.

The Bobath Centre for Children with Cerebral Palsy
£171,650 over three years (£54,450, £57,170, £60,030) towards specialist neuro- Physical, Occupational and Speech and Language Therapist time, management, administration, marketing, training, evaluation, and client travel costs.

Turkish Cypriot Women’s Project
£162,600 over five years (£29,660; £30,920; £32,350; £34,000; £35,670) for the salary and on-costs of a 28 hpw Advice Worker, associated costs of the advice service and a contribution to core costs.

Voluntary Action Camden
£100,000 over two years (2 x £50,000) towards the salary and associated costs of a Membership Development Officer, Training Coordinator and a contribution towards management and core running costs.

City Of Sanctuary UK
£167,700 over three further and final years (£53,600; £55,900; £58,200) towards the London Regional Coordinator, the Local Authority Network Coordinator and associated project costs for City of Sanctuary UK initiatives across London.

Enfield Voluntary Action
£176,800 over three years (£57,500, £59,300, £60,000) towards staff costs, room hire, associated project running costs and contribution to overheads for Enfield Voluntary Action’s financial management, impact reporting and fundraising work with voluntary and community organisations.

Home-Start Lambeth
£144,130 over three years (£46,530; £48,000; £49,600) for the salary, project costs and contribution to overheads for a Home Start co-ordinator with a focus on domestic abuse.

Waltham Forest Migrant Action
£19,740 over two years (£9,780; £9,960) for a part-time Communications and Campaigns Coordinator, safeguarding training and related project overheads.

Speak Street
£28,000 over two years (£15,000; £13,000) towards the salary and on-costs of the Director, to support the organisation’s continued delivery of ESOL classes for migrants and refugees in community settings, and the development of its ESOL workbook resources.

Church of the Ascension, Blackheath
£31,100 over five years (5 x £6,220) to cover costs of the provision of free ESOL classes for 60 people per year in Lewisham.

Harmony House Dagenham CIO
£63,500 over two further and final years (£31,500; £32,000) with the release of second instalment in year one conditional on receipt of an updated Vulnerable Adult Safeguarding Policy.

Brent Play Association
£60,000 over three years (3 x £20,000) to staff costs across the three years, to boost existing hours to expand provision. Up to £27,000 can be used towards equipment costs, including a computer for service users, art materials and musical instruments.

Irish Cultural Centre, Hammersmith Ltd
£33,000 over three years (£10,000; £11,000; £12,000) to provide services for isolated people over 70 in London.

TRCP = Jesuit Refugee Service
£183,800 over three years (£59,200; £61,400; £63,200) towards the costs of a FTE Senior Legal Caseworker and associated running costs.

Shpresa Programme
£98,500 over two years (£42,500, £56,000) towards a leadership programme for the Albanian-speaking community in London, including project, management and staff costs.

Pro Bono Community
£199,425 over five years (£36,090; £37,895; £39,790; £41,780; £43,870) to cover the costs of a part-time Volunteer Coordinator role, training costs and organisational overheads.

£243,590 over 5 years (£43,210; £45,800; £48,550; £51,470; £54,560) for a Senior Outreach Worker, external supervision and related project overheads.

£165,355 over three years (£52,452; £55,075; £57,828) for salary, oncosts, and materials for the Growing Lives Project.

St Augustine’s Community Care Trust
£3,750 for an access audit plus two follow up meetings with an access consultant.

London Museum of Water and Steam
£3,580 to meet the costs of an independent access audit for the museum and heritage site.

Multi-Story Music
£24,000 over two years (2 x £12,000) towards the cost of a Youth Coordinator to develop the leadership skills of 24 young people in Peckham through a Young Creatives Project.

Wadajir Somali Community Centre
£35,020 over two years (£17,000; £18,020) towards a weekly Elderly Women’s Luncheon Club, part-time covering a Project Manager and Cook and related project overheads.

The Traveller Movement
£161,450 over three years (£52,230; £53,800; £55,420) covering full-time Women’s Support Worker, supervision costs, co-design costs and related project overheads.

£119,500 over three further and final years (£38,000; £39,800; £41,700) towards Triangle Arts Trust’s collaboration between artists in residence and people from migrant and refugee communities who have mental health difficulties.

Saint Francis Hospice
£231,000 over five years (£41,800, £43,900, £46,100, £48,400, £50,800) towards a full-time Child and Family Therapist to provide therapeutic support for children and young people, as well as associated project and management costs.

Mosaic LGBT+ Young Persons’ Trust
£230,750 over four years (£53,500, £56,250, £59,000, £62,000) towards a Youth Services Manager, as well as associated project and management costs for Mosaic LGBT+ Young Persons’ Trust’s youth and culture clubs.

Mind in Camden
£249,600 over five years (£47,100, £48,400, £49,900, £51,300, £52,900) towards a Hearing Voices Manager and Development Worker for The Voice Collective, as well as associated project and management costs.

£87,675 over two further and final years (£43,295, £44,380) to continue support for the Express Plus Programme, a free arts-based therapy service enabling children and young people with poor mental health to explore their challenges and strengths, to express and regulate emotions, and foster greater self-worth.

The Garden Classroom
£276,120 over five years (£55,766, £52,520, £55,640, £55,354, £56,840) towards a borough wide Community Gardening Project to educate and empower residents whilst improving the biodiversity of green spaces in Islington.

Kids Can Achieve
£129,000 over two further and final years (£64,000, £65,000) towards a full-time Family Support Worker, as well as associate project and management costs.

£552,700 over five years (£100,000; £105,000; £110,300; £115,800; £121,600) towards Money4You’s AVOCODO programme for BAMER organisations in London.

Eco Audits

Bede House Association
£2,600 (6.5 days) to provide an eco audit.

Fulham Football Club Foundation
£2,600 (6.5 days) to provide an eco audit.

St Mary Aldermary
£3,600 (9 days) to provide an eco audit.

St Botolph without Aldgate
£2,800 (7 days) to provide an eco audit.

£3,600 (9 days) to provide an eco audit.

Caryl Jenner Productions
£3,600 (9 days) to provide an eco audit.

£2,400 (6 days) to provide an eco audit.

London Diocesan Fund
£2,800 (7 days) to provide an eco audit.

Family Futures CIC
£3,000 (7.5 days) to provide an eco audit.

St Andrew’s United Reformed Church
£3,000 (7.5 days) to provide an eco audit.

Rosie Trustram, Centre 70
£2,800 (7 days) to provide an eco audit.

Four Corners Ltd
£3,000 (7.5 days) to provide an eco audit.

Crystal Palace Community Trust
£2,800 (7 days) to provide an eco audit.

The Attlee Centre
£4,000 (10 days) to provide an eco audit.

Osmani Trust
£4,000 (10 days) to provide an eco audit.

Goldsmiths Community Association
£2,400 (6 days) to provide an eco audit.

Ashford Place
£1,800 (4.5 days) to provide a Refresher Eco Audit.

Bromley Little Theatre
£3,600 (9 days) to provide an eco audit.

Age UK Croydon
£3,000 (7.5 days) to provide an eco audit.

Walworth Garden
£4,000 (10 days) to provide an eco audit.

Centre For Armenian Information & Advice
£1,800 (4.5 days) to provide a Refresher Eco Audit.

London’s Giving

H&F Giving previously called United in Hammersmith & Fulham London’s Giving
£125,000 over two years (£70,000; £55,000) towards the Partnerships & Fundraising Manager; the Needs Analysis and a £10,000 contribution to core costs each year.

Hackney CVS
£233,352 over three years (£78,848, £75,460, £79,044) towards the strategic development of Hackney Giving, specifically for staff salaries, PGM activities and other related costs.


Mabadiliko CIC
£49,100 for one year towards the costs of the Project Co-ordinator, Manager, administrator, research, focus groups and associated project costs. The grant is payable to Mabadiliko CIC, which acts as host for the Coco Collective Community Hub. A written agreement between the two parties is in place.

Action on Disability
£150,900 over three years (£50,300; £50,300; £50,300) towards a project co-ordinator, administration, project activities, premises and associated project running costs.

Women’s Resource Centre
£45,900 over 12 months towards freelance workers, capacity building, associated project running costs, safeguarding training and hosting fee. The grant is payable to the Women’s Resource Centre to act as host on behalf of Sisters of Frida.

Disability Law Service
£150,000 over two years (£64,500, £85,500) towards the salaries of two full-time trainee solicitors and associated project costs.

Indoamerican Refugee and Migrant Organisation
£201,000 over three years (£71,000; £86,500; £43,500) towards a workforce development programme in partnership with High Trees, Baytree, Latin American Women’s Rights Service and Southwark Law Centre, including contributions to the costs of an Advice Manager, Supervising Advisor, Partnership Co-ordinator, trainees, and training costs, running costs, and overheads.

Teen Action
£48,100 for a one-year research project into barriers to employment for young women from the Charedi community in Hackney and Haringey.

The Maya Centre
£50,000 over 12 months towards the costs of its Explore project including contributions to the Community Organiser role, CEO, and consultancy with ActBuildChange

Mosaic LGBT+ Young Persons’ Trust
£48,000 for one year towards the cost of full-time Community Link Worker and associated project costs.

Touretteshero CIC
£49,910 over 12 months towards salary costs, disabled access and inclusion and youth led social action projects. The grant is payable to Touretteshero CIC, which acts as host for Sounds Like Chaos.

Maternity Action
£50,000 over one year towards the cost of an outreach worker, an advice worker and associated expenses towards an exploration of the intersectional disadvantages faced by pregnant women and new mothers which increase the risk of poverty and financial hardship

Headway East London
£49,100 over 12 months towards the costs of exploring ways to bring the voice of brain injury survivors to discussions to increase awareness and inform best practice within the health and social welfare system.

Day-Mer, Turkish and Kurdish Community Centre
£50,000 for one year towards the costs of their research and service development project.

National Survivor User Network
£50,000 over 12 months towards the scoping exercise to help determine the systems and models which enable the voices of its representative communities to be heard.

Friends of the Joiners Arms Ltd
£49,800 over 12 months towards a research project exploring the inclusion of marginalised LGBTQIA+ people (in particular those with experience of homelessness and seeking asylum) including through a replicable community business model, including the costs of a research lead, participation costs for members of grassroots organisations, and other associated costs.

St Mary’s Centre Community Trust
£36,400 over one year towards staff costs, external researchers, mentoring organisations / youth clubs expenses and production of a report to understand and to address how professional support and supervision for youth workers and mentors can be made more culturally and socially appropriate to make the profession more inclusive

Hackney Chinese Community Services Association Ltd
£49,500 for one year towards the costs of a research consultant and associated project costs to establish empirical research data to support the the ESEA community against the multiple forms racial discrimination they face.

Place At My Table
£44,300 over 12 months towards the costs of their Where Rivers Meet Network project, including the costs of a Development Worker

British Deaf Association
£49,900 over 12 months towards a project to explore the systemic issues faced by the Deaf community in London, including towards a Project Coordinator and consultation activities

C V S Brent
£47,200 over 12 months towards salary costs of a part-time project worker, communication support, staff cover for small voluntary organisations and peer research training and interviews for the VOICe project. The grant is payable to CVS Brent, as host for the Brent African Caribbean Alliance.

Queercircle CIO
£48,500 over 12 months towards the staffing, workshops, research and evaluation costs of creative health programming improving LGBTQ+ health and wellbeing.

Anti Trafficking & Labour Exploitation Unit
£42,100 over one year towards ATLEU staff costs and survivor participation, VODW staff costs and domestic worker participation plus associated expenses

Project Zero WF
£48,700 over 12 months towards the project costs of youth-led research projects into inequalities in youth services in Waltham Forest, to be awarded on condition of receipt of an updated safeguarding policy.

Small Grants

Aphasia Re-Connect
£50,000 of core funding over five years (£10,000 x5) to cover the annual maintenance costs of a new administration system.

£48,500 (£9,700 x 5) towards supporting 50 BAME older adults living in the disadvantaged wards of Wandsworth to improve their health and wellbeing.

£50,000 over five years (£10,000 x 5) to ensure continued delivery of Developmental Dance Movement activities to children with SEN&D/ASD with complex support needs, in a community setting.

This New Ground CIC
£10,000 over one year for a community choir, covering a sessional community choir leader, artist facilitator support and equipment and materials.

Barnet African Caribbean Association Ltd
Award £50,000 (£10,000 x 5) towards the Day Centre Manager salary, activities for the service users, and rent for the Centre session.

Sitopia Farm CIC
£30,000 over three years (£10,000; £10,000; £10,000) towards the costs of delivering community volunteering opportunities for local schools and individuals, and towards any costs incurred in the organisation’s refresh of its safeguarding policy and training.

Life after Cancer
£50,000 over 5 years (£10,000 x 5) to run peer support groups and coaching programmes in Waltham Forest for people who have finished cancer treatment.

Friends of Windmill Gardens
£30,000 over three years (£10,000 x3) towards gardening and horticulture workshops for individuals with learning difficulties at Windmill Gardens Park.

Teatro Vivo
£50,000 over five years (£10,000 x 5) towards monthly drama workshops with learning disabled people. Release of first instalment is conditional on Teatro Vivo providing an updated safeguarding policy.

Henna Asian Women’s Group
£50,000 over five years (5 x £10,000) to contribute to weekly arts and craft sessions and group outings around London and the associated costs.

Hounslow Seniors Trust Association
£50,000 over five years (£10,000 x5) to provide a series of visual arts workshops for older residents of Hounslow and neighbouring West London Boroughs.

Cordwainers Grow CIC
£50,000 over five years (£10,000 x5) for a part-time Garden Volunteer Manager’s salary, on-costs, personal training budget and associated project costs, to deliver a programme of structured volunteering opportunities and open days at the Victoria Park Outdoor Classroom.

Streatham Common Community Garden
£15,270 over three further and final years (£5,090 x 3) to fund community gardeners to run projects taking place at the garden

Sparks Communities
£30,000 over three years (3 x £10,000) for the costs of the Call the Shots programme delivered for young people with ASD, including project management, facilitation, equipment, and staff training.

Strategic Initiatives

£249,400 over three years (£83,300; £83,300; 82,800) to design and deliver an innovative psycho-educative therapeutic group programme for women who have experienced repeated removals of children from their care

Institute for Voluntary Action Research
£120,000 over three years (£40,000; £40,000; £40,000) towards the costs of the Open and Trusting Grant-making initiative.

£100,000 towards Money4You’s 2022 Dragons’ Den award scheme, with funding restricted to groups delivering work of benefit to Londoners and constituted as registered charities or Community Interest Companies. 10% of the awarded funds to cover Money4You’s delivery costs and oversight.

Trust for London
£64,986 over 12 months to the Citizenship and Integration Initiative pooled fund to embed work on migrant worker exploitation.

Centre for London
£225,000 over three years (3 x £75,000) towards Centre for London’s core work as part of a strategic relationship with the Trust.

One Newham
£14,000 towards the Newham Community Fund, with a contribution of £10,000 for onward grant-making and £4,000 for associated overheads.

Vision Foundation
£500,000 over two years, as an Alliance Partnership, to Fight for Sight/​Vision Foundation [charity no: 1111438 (formerly 1074958)] for running costs and onward grant making as part of the Vision Fund. A payment timetable will be drawn up in line with the launch dates of the four funding rounds, and the related payments to onward grant recipients.

Race On The Agenda
£60,000 over 12 months to enable Race On The Agenda to offer a competitive salary to recruit a suitable CEO.

Trust for London
£50,000 towards the London Fund research and delivery led by Trust for London in partnership with City Bridge Trust and the Esmée Fairbairn Foundation.

Healing Justice London
£50,000 over one year to Healing Justice London for the creation of a holistic evaluation framework including consultancy, facilitation of trauma informed approach, equipment, and interactive evaluation sessions.

Greater London Authority
£100,000 over eighteen months towards the second round of the Civil Society Roots 3 fund, of which 80% will be distributed in onward grant-making funds and 20% will support the second round’s administration, grant management and access costs.

Race On The Agenda
£20,000 over 12 months to enable Race On The Agenda to offer a competitive salary to recruit a suitable CEO.

Advice Services Alliance
£35,000 over 6 months as a contribution towards running a pilot new Entry Level Assurance mechanism for small advice providers which will act as a progression vehicle to the full Advice Quality Standard (AQS).

London Funders
£615,000 over three years (£195,000; £205,000; £215,000) to develop a Resource Hub to support the development of place-based giving schemes in the capital.

Responsible Finance
£788,000 over two years (£724,000; £64,000) to Responsible Finance to cover the costs of a first-loss allocation across three Community Development Finance Institutions, cost-benefit, and impact assessment, as well as management costs.

Transition Funding

Age UK Barnet
£248,400 over five years (£47,400; £47,700; £49,300; £51,100; £52,900) towards the costs of an Activities Co-Ordinator, Volunteer Co-ordinator and associated running costs.

Rosetta Life
£50,000 over two years (£20,000, £30,000) to develop the network of Brain Odysseys Ambassadors as volunteers, advocates, and key drivers of the Stroke Odysseys programme as it evolves beyond the leadership of Rosetta Life.

Rising Stars Support CIC
£44,000 over two years (2 x £22,000) towards costs to deliver Boxing sessions and mentoring and progression support for young people aged 16 – 19 years old in Lambeth, as part of the Fight For Your Future programme.