Grants of more than £12m approved at September 2022 committee meeting

Grants approved at the September 2022 Grants Committee of the Bridge House Estates Board

One hundred grants awarded, totalling £12.7m

Bridging Divides

Afghanistan and Central Asian Association
£97,200 over two further and final years (£48,900; £48,300) towards the Afghanistan and Central Asian Association’s work with Afghan asylum seekers to support their integration and mental health.

AFRUCA – Safeguarding Children
£342,250 over five years (£64,500, £64,000, £68,000, £71,500, £74,250) towards a BACP accredited Child/​Family Therapist to provide a culturally appropriate therapy service for children being reunified with their birth parents after a period in the care system, as well as associated project and management costs. The funding is restricted for AFRUCA’s London work.

Ark Resettlement Services
£187,200 over three years (£62,500; £62,030; £62,670), for the salary and on-costs of a full time Resettlement Co-ordinator and related costs of delivering a programme of resettlement support to ex-offenders in Enfield and Haringey.

£128,000 over 5 years (£25,360, £24,390, £25,960, £25,350, £26,940) to cover the London costs, including staffing, training, and telephone, of Aspire’s Welfare and Benefits Advice Service. The recommendation includes a contribution of £3,635, which is 50% of the total costs of gaining a recognised Quality Advice Standard.

Association for Cultural Advancement Through Visual Art (ACAVA)
£4,200 to cover the costs of an independent Access Audit for the Blechynden Street site.

Barnet Citizens Advice Bureau
£250,000 over five years (£43,500, £46,725, £50,500, £53,225, £56,050) towards an OISC level 3 immigration caseworker and a 0.4FTE immigration caseworker to be trained to OISC level 3, as well as project costs and overheads. Both caseworkers are funded to provide advice in Barnet.

Breaking Barriers
£123,000 over three years (£40,000, £41,000, £42,000) to meet growing demands for information, advice, and guidance support and of increase engagement in educational courses for refugees in London.

Central England Law Centre
£476,750 over five years (£91,795, £93,540, £95,314, £97,126, £98,975) to support the costs of a supervising solicitor and associated costs for the KIND UK initiative helping undocumented children receive settled status. The grant is restricted solely for the benefit of Londoners.

Connect: North Korea
£50,000 over two years (£26,000; £24,000) for operational core costs underpinning specialist services supporting the North Korean community living and working in London.

Copleston Centre
£119,000 over two further and final years (£58,000; £61,000) towards a Programme and Volunteer Coordinator and Administrator, and associated costs of delivering the Silver Linings programme of activities.

£48,550 over three years (£15,400; £16,170; £16,980) towards the activity and running costs of the summer play scheme

Disability Advice and Support Hillingdon
£75,000 for two further and final years (£37,000; £38,000) for the full-time salary of the Transition Worker; travel costs and project oncosts of £3K per year.

Enfield CAB
£221,000 over five years (£40,000, £42,000, £44,000, £46,400, £48,600) towards the salary of a Welfare Benefits and Debt Adviser.

£50,000 over two years (£25,000; £25,000) for the costs of delivering therapeutic support to the organisation’s beneficiaries and a contribution to core costs.

Fine Cell Work
£251,355 over five years (£50,270, £50,810, £50,380, £49,805, £50,090) towards the costs of the Open the Gates programme. This includes £38,491 and £46,189 (both spread over five years) towards the salaries of an Engagement and Support Officer and a Hub Supervisor, and a contribution to rent, ex-prisoner training costs and internal evaluation costs.

Hackney Community Law Centre
£160,000 over three years (£52,000; £53,000; £55,000) for a Tribunals Caseworker to provide advice and support benefit clients on appeals to the First- and Upper-Tier Tribunals, and as a small contribution to overheads.

Half Moon Young People’s Theatre Ltd
£3,235 to commission an independent access audit of the Half Moon Theatre venue.

Haringey Law Centre
£292,785 over three years (£88,885, £97,325, £106,575) towards the staffing and running costs of the Haringey Law Centre Emergency Legal Action Team. This includes the funding of five part-time positions (Senior Case Worker, Housing, Senior Case Worker, Welfare and Benefits, Senior Case Worker, Immigration, Senior Case Worker, Debt, Senior Case Worker, Employment) and Senior Legal supervision time.

Harrow Carers
£167,900 over five years (£32,600; £32,700; £33,500; £34,200; £34,900) towards the cost of a full-time Care Support worker and associated costs.

Islington Law Centre
£127,800 over two further and final years (£63,000; £64,800) for a specialist Welfare Benefits advisor to provide client advocacy, casework, and representation for UC claimants as well as deliver training to frontline workers to deal with UC related issues.

Kongolese Children’s Association
£45,000 over three years (3 x £15,000) to help refugees, asylum seekers and migrants integrate within society and prosper economically through educational courses.

Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual Anti-Violence and Policing Group
£300,350 over five years (£56,570, £58,270, £60,020, £61,820, £63,670) towards the salary and oncosts of a Head of Therapeutic Services, and a contribution to overheads.

Living Way Ministries
£65,500 over two years (£32,750 x 2) towards the costs associated with the food redistribution project applied for. Specifically, driver’s salary, volunteer expenses, and food van maintenance. Please note that costs associated with the advice aspect of the project have been removed from the recommendation.

London Legal Support Trust
£362,200 over two years (£176,100; £186,100) towards core salary and other costs to support the provision of Centres of Excellence in Greater London.

London Youth Rowing Limited
£106,210 over three further and final years (£33,730; £35,380; £37,100) towards the Active Row SEND programme, covering 1 FTE Active SEND Coach and related project costs.

MayDay Rooms
£5,000 for an access audit to inform future accessibility developments to create a more inclusive building for wheelchair users and people with other mobility issues.

Middlesex Association for the Blind
£50,000 over two years (2 x £25,000) towards the delivery of Middlesex Association for the Blind’s home visiting service in Brent and Haringey enabling 85 elderly visually-impaired people to experience greater independence in their lives.

Osmani Trust
£4,150 to meet the costs of an independent access audit of the Osmani Centre, to provide recommendations to improve accessibility for all users.

Outside In Pathways
£30,750 over two years (£15,200; £15,550) towards Steppingstones, towards a Care Support Worker and related project costs.

Partnership for Young London
£369,000 over five years (£68,000; £70,900; £73,720; £76,740; £79,640) towards salary costs of Strategic Director and Workforce Lead and other related costs to sustain and develop infrastructure work to support young peoples’ services across London.

Rahab Project Limited
£103,640 (£51,210; £52,430) over two years, towards a Caseworker, staff and volunteer supervision, volunteer expenses and related organisational overheads.

Refugee and Migrant Network Sutton (RMNS)
£64,350 over two years (£31,390; £32,960) towards an immigration advice service and ESOL classes up to level 3, including towards Advice Worker, Admin Assistant, Outreach and Marketing Worker, drop-in activities, and related organisational overheads.

Remark! Community
£126,600 over five years (£23,100; £24,200; £25,200; £26,300; £27,800) towards the running costs of the Remarkable! Club providing activities for London’s Deaf community.

Roj Women Association
£86,200 over two years (£43,100 x 2) for an Older Persons project, towards Older Peer Project Officer, Project Co-ordinator, project activities and related overheads.

£153,070 over three years (£50,650, £50,850, £51,570) towards the salary and running costs of a programme to address the underrepresentation of the voluntary and community sector, particularly BAME led organisations, in local service development and engagement opportunities in Hammersmith and Fulham. Staff costs will amount to £107,766 over three years and further costs include overheads, project running costs and some internal evaluation costs.

Southwark Law Centre
£156,100 over three years (£43,800; £51,700; £60,600) for the salary costs of a full-time Paralegal up until and following qualification as a Solicitor, offering welfare benefits advice to low income private and social housing tenants facing eviction in Lambeth and Southwark. Direct project costs and a contribution to core costs are also included in the project budget.

St Botolph without Aldgate
£50,000 towards the costs of the access works of the Aldgate Centre extension to the Grade I‑listed St Botolph’s church, providing accessible WCs and facilities for the community.

Thames Reach Charity
£256,700 over five years (£26,950; £56,000; £56,850; £57,900; £59,000) for the salary of a Lead Worker and associated project costs, to further develop the community-based advice and support offer in Lewisham

£174,820 over a further three years (£57,450; £58,281; £59,089) for the costs of the Thames Connections project, including Project Officer and a contribution to core costs.

The Felix Project
£300,000 over 3 years (3 x £100,000) to cover the salary of a Head Chef at Felix’s Kitchen and to contribute to the costs of meal packaging and ingredients over three years.

The Parochial Church Council of the Ecclestiastical Parish of St Peter, Streatham
£4,150 to meet the costs of an independent access audit and for some inclusive design training.

The Vineyard Community Centre
£263,600 over five years (£48,100; £49,600 £51,100; £55,200; £59,600) towards the costs of a Foodbank Manager and associated costs.

Touretteshero CIC
£248,750 over four year (£51,000, £58,750, £66,000, £73,000) towards a Solidarity Coordinator and a Research and Consultancy Director to run Touretteshero’s Solidarity Programme in London, as well as associated project, management, and access costs.

Westminster Citizens Advice Bureau
£316,200 over 5 years (£61,400; £62,600; £62,800; £64,100; £65,300) towards the costs of a debt caseworker, project manager/​trainer and associated running costs.

Women’s Environmental Network Trust
£72,000 for two further and final years (£35,350; £36,650) towards the Tower Hamlets Food Growing Network, including the Project Coordinator; Project Manager; the costs of the network gatherings; growing workshops; community food network events; materials for the development of community gardens and a contribution to WEN’s overheads.

Cornerstone Fund

Camden Volunteer Bureau
£161,360 over three years (£49,760; £52,800; £58,800) to strategically develop health volunteering across North Central London and embed volunteering in the strategic plans of the NHS.

Inclusion London
£308,200 over three years (£134,700; £165,300; £8,200) to engage seven DDPO project partners to co-produce new communications messages about disability and support implementation of the new, reframed messages into partners’ work through strategic communications training. An independent evaluation of the project’s impact is also funded as part of this project.


Age UK Waltham Forest
£2,600 (6.5 days) to provide an eco-audit.

American International Church
£2,400 (6 days) to provide an eco-audit.

Carers UK
£3,400 (8.5 days) to provide an eco-audit.

Dr Johnson’s House Trust Ltd
£1,800 (4.5 days) to provide an eco-audit.

Hackney CVS
£2,400 (6 days) to provide an eco-audit.

Katherine Low Settlement
£2,600 (6.5 days) to provide an eco-audit.

Lewisham Music
£2,600 (6.5days) to provide an eco-audit.

£2,800 (7 days) to provide an eco-audit.

London’s Giving

Barking & Dagenham Giving
£258,500 over 3 years (£80,620; £106,700; £71,180 ) towards the strategic development of Barking and Dagenham Giving, for the costs detailed in the submitted revised budget.

Camden Giving
£259,300 over three years (£83,900; £86,400; £89,000) towards the Alumni Manager and contribution to the alumni and referral network costs.

Merton Voluntary Service Council
£250,300 over three years (£83,400, £81,700, £85,200) towards the strategic development of Merton Giving, specifically for the costs detailed in the submitted revised budget.

Metro Centre
£220,600 over three years (£67,400; £76,000; £77,200) towards the development of Greenwich Giving, the funding to be received by Metro Centre on behalf of Greenwich Giving., conditional on being part of the London’s Giving network and on using the London’s Giving measurement tools.

Richmond Parish Lands Charity (RPLC)
£254,000 over 3 years (£61,000; £103,000; £90,000) towards the development of oneRichmond as an independent placed-based giving scheme.

The Bridge Renewal Trust
£250,500 over three years (£83,200, £95,000, £72,300) towards the strategic development of Haringey Giving, specifically for the costs detailed in the submitted revised budget.

Small Grants – Bridging Divides

Communities Welfare Network (no website)
£15,410 over two years (£7,515; £7,895) to deliver support services for local ethnic minoritized older people aged 65–80 years who are isolated or ill.

Embracing Arts
£21,000 over three years (£6,000; £7,000; £8,000) towards the costs of delivering the Christmas for Kids programme in London Funding to help meet the costs of Embracing Arts delivering its live performance and digital programme, Christmas for Kids, over three years (2022–4) in Greater London. The programme targets children and young people who otherwise would not be able to see and enjoy theatre because of illness and/​or life limiting conditions.

GreenSeas Trust
£40,000 over four years (£10,000; £10,000; £10,000; £10,000) to meet the capital costs of four BinForGreenSeas and project costs to deliver environmental workshops on plastic pollution.

Root n’ Branch CIC
£19,190 over two years (£9,750; £9,440) towards the development of a green amenity space, covering project management, facilitation costs and related project overheads.

Shaolin Temple Martial Arts and Cultural Centre C.I.C.
£7,490 over one year for Taichi and Qigong classes for older people, covering coaching costs and related project overheads.

Signal Family Support Ltd
£20,000 over two years (£10,000; £10,000) towards therapeutic counselling sessions for autistic children and young people, and their parents/​carers.

Sporting Way C.I.C.
£29,820 over three years (3 x £9,940) to provide a safe, caring space for children with special education needs to attend the youth club and engage in designated sport, play & emotional well-being activities.

Strategic Initiatives

Freshwater Foundation
£33,000 over one year to Freshwater Foundation towards its grant-making activities and capacity building work with a proportionate sum covering on costs.

Greater London Volunteering
£642,500 over 36 months, structured across four financial years, starting in October 2022 with £65,330 allocated to the remaining six months of 22/23; £232,610 for 23/24; £228,760 for 24/25 and £115,800 for the first six months of 25/26. The grant end date being September 2026. This grant is awarded to Greater London Volunteering, the legal entity for London Plus, to support the work of the London Community Emergencies Partnership. http://

Inclusion London
£25,000 to extend Inclusion London’s Making it Work’ service currently funded through Bridge to Work. This service works with young Disabled graduates who are on supported internships.

London Funders
£695,600 over five years (£340,000; £82,000; £86,000; £91,200; £96,400) towards infrastructure and convening costs of the Collaborative Action for Recovery initiative

£100,000 towards Money4You’s 2022 Dragons’ Den award scheme, with funding restricted to groups delivering work of benefit to Londoners and constituted as registered charities or Community Interest Companies. 10% of the awarded funds to cover Money4You’s delivery costs and oversight.

New Philanthropy Capital
£35,000 over six months towards the costs of a research project identifying and disseminating best practice in embedding service user involvement across third sector organisations.

Positive East
£200,600 over two further and final years (£98,800; £101,800) for the GMI Partnership to support LGBT and black and minoritized communities in London. The grant is payable to Positive East.

School for Social Entrepreneurs
£388,260 over three years (£16,500; £188,830; £182,930) to the School for Social Entrepreneurs to develop a match trading portal and provide match trading grants to London-focused social enterprises.

Toynbee Hall
£50,000 over eight months towards Toynbee Hall’s Co-producing East London’s recovery” project.

Transition Funding – Bridging Divides

Active Horizons
£97,600 over two years (£47,000, £50,600) to combat racism in Bexley schools and communities through raising the voice and leadership of young people.

Blackfriars Settlement
£48,300 over two years (£24,190; £24,110) to double the capacity of Blackfriars Settlement’s befriending service for isolated older people, to respond to high and increasing levels of need in north Southwark.

Books Beyond Words CIO
£50,000 over two years (£25,000 x2) to support the Book Club Coordinator to create 30 book clubs for people with communication difficulties across the boroughs of Camden, Islington, Haringey, Ealing, Greenwich, and Lewisham.

Football Journeys
£40,000 over two years (£20,000; £20,000) to contribute to salaries and project costs associated with the Ambassador Programme to support marginalised young Londoners and develop future leaders.

Global Generation
£83,640 over two years (£41,490; £42,150) towards Story Garden Manager, Community Manager, project materials and related organisational overheads.

Good Vibrations
£24,500 over 2 years (£12,600; £11,900) towards costs associated with delivering Loophole Music sessions for people experiencing mental illness at Lambeth Hospital.

Greenwich Dance
£84,360 over two years (£37,720; £46,640) towards the Community Engagement Producer’s salary; freelance Dance Artists’ and Class Assistants’ costs; space hire, marketing, the costs of performance tickets for beneficiaries and a contribution to overheads.

Health Equality and Rights Organisation
£47,050 over two years (£23,250, £23,800) towards a project worker to run peer support and social groups for older people, as well as associated project and management costs. Release of the second half of the year one payment and all of the year two payment is conditional upon Health Equality and Rights Organisation submitting a satisfactory updated safeguarding policy.

Hubbub Foundation UK
£50,000 for one year towards the project costs of Grow Together’s London projects.

Learning Through The Arts
£34,700 over two years (£17,350 x 2) towards Creative Wellbeing’, towards Project Officer, 15% rent contribution, tutors, volunteer expenses and related project overheads.

London Symphony Orchestra
£53,200 over two years (£26,000; £27,200) towards a creative music programme in partnership with local community centres in Islington to reduce social isolation and loneliness amongst older adults.

Loughborough Junction Action Group
£84,500 over two years (£41,250, £43,250) towards a Farm Coordinator and Café Manager to run and train volunteers for outreach activities, and community growing, healthy eating and wellbeing sessions, as well as associated project and management costs. Funding is conditional on submission of a satisfactory vulnerable adults safeguarding policy.

Made in Hackney
£83,000 over two years (£41,000; £42,000) to improve well-being in older people through healthy cookery classes, create a sense of inclusion through volunteering opportunities, and reduce isolation through community feasts. The release of the second year of funding is conditional on a satisfactory review of Made in Hackney’s most recent accounts.

Mums-Aid Maternal Mental Health Support
£96,180 over two years (£47,450; £48,730) towards MumsAid Maternal Mental Health Support’s YoungMumsAid work, towards costs for YMA Service Manager, YMA Service Co-ordinator, Trauma Therapist, Advocacy/​Link Worker, a text service, and related organisational overheads.

Newark Youth London
£35,530 to deliver Back to Nature’, a peer-led initiative to engage and connect young people across Tower Hamlets with environmental and nature-focused activities.

Spitalfields City Farm
£100,000 over two years (£50,000; £50,000) towards the salary costs of the CEO and funding towards consultancy support around fundraising development and diversity and inclusion.

Sport4Health Community Interest Company
£21,300 (£10,500; £10,800) over two further and final years towards weekly free sports sessions supporting the physical health and mental wellbeing of Older People. This grant is conditional on receiving a satisfactory monitoring and evaluation report for the organisation’s previous grant.

Tapestry Care UK
£56,500 (£33,500; £23,000) over two years towards the costs associated with TCUKL’s high needs care work at HuBs in Havering. Costs are specifically for salaries, rent, partner delivery costs, and a contribution to overheads.

The Brandon Centre
£100,000 over two years (£50,000; £50,000) towards a new Clinical Psychologist post (28 hpw), plus associated overheads, to deliver psychotherapy for LGBTQ+ young people aged 16–25 in Camden and Islington.

The Purple Elephant Project
£50,000 over two years (£18,000; £32,000) towards the salary of the charity’s chief executive.

£95,000 core funding over two years (£50,000, £45,000) to support delivery of specialist therapeutic gardening programmes and outreach work in Battersea Park for vulnerable/​disabled clients.

Trees for Cities
£100,000 for Trees for Cities over two years (£50,000, £50,000) to create greener, healthier public spaces, co-designed with communities to increase residents’ wellbeing and advance the London Urban Forest Partnership.

Youth Realities
£80,340 over two years (39,780; 40,560) to increase the capacity of the YPVA programme, covering Youth Support Worker, 6 day trips per year and organisational overheads.