Grants of more than £9.9m approved in the period to 16 September 2024

Grants of more than £9.9m were approved in the period up to 16 September 2024

Access audits

Parkside Community Centre
£2,100 to provide an access audit

Kiln Theatre
£2,950 to provide an access audit.

Copleston Centre
£4,918 to provide an access audit, that includes training for the staff.

The Parochial Church Council of the Ecclesiastical Parish of Finchley
£4766 for an access audit of The Parochial Church Council of the Ecclesiastical Parish of Finchley

Bridging Divides – general grants

Intergenerational Music Making
To provide £90,000 over 3 years (year one, £32,000; year two, £30,000; year three, £28,000) towards a targeted Harmony in Motion’ programme to foster active aging and combat isolation for older people in four London boroughs.

Acheinu Limited T/A The Boys Clubhouse
£30,829 over 3 years (£10,229; £10,246; £10,354) contribution towards the psychotherapy and counselling staffing, therapy and activity costs, supervision, monitoring and evaluation.

The Reanella Trust
£55,380 over three years (£16,080, £19,170 £20,130) for 12 weeks of part-time psychotherapist costs, three accessible laptops, some organisational overheads, technical support, data analysis, volunteer support and administrative support to enable young people of colour, many of whom with a physical disability, living in poverty in Tower Hamlets, to access online counselling, alongside ongoing peer support groups.

Fight for Change Foundation
£100,000 over two years (£50,000 x 2) to support c.50 ex-gang members from Lambeth and Southwark to manage their traumas, build their capacities to make positive lifestyle choices, and overcome significant challenges.

Corinne Burton Memorial Trust
£67,077 over 3 years (£21,918; £22,356; £22,803;) towards providing art therapy sessions for anxious and depressed cancer patients, medical staff at risk of burnout and the training of new art therapists in cancer care.

Outside In Pathways
£100,000 over three years (£31,700; £33,300; £35,000) towards Steppingstones. Funding will cover a part-time Project Co-ordinator, a part-time days/​week Support Worker and project overheads.

Listen To Act
£99,120 over 2 years (£49,560; £49,560) (Youth Engagement Manager 1 FTE) towards the training and engagement of young people in patient participation groups to enhance primary care access and health outcomes in diverse communities.

Kahaila Ltd
£106,540 over three years (£37,340.00 year 1, £31,080.00 year 2, £38,120.00 year 3) towards the BREW’ barista training programme, providing skills enhancement and employment opportunities for asylum seekers and refugees in London’s cafe and hospitality sector.

Muslims in Public Policy
£4,800 over 2 years (£2,400, £2,400) towards delivery of in-person networking events for public policy professionals from under-represented backgrounds in Greater London, with a contribution towards core costs and training.

Give Youth A Break
£76,000 over three years (£24,588, £25,332, £26,080) for Speech & Language Therapy, Art Therapy, Literacy Support, Mentoring, Administration, Resources, Rent and oncosts, to provide wraparound therapeutic communication support for disadvantaged Jewish girls in Barnet and Hackney.

Pop Arts
£43,304 over 3 years (£14,000; £14,420; £14,884) to support and expand their music mentoring programmes, empowering young people in Haringey through creative expression, skill development, and improved well-being.

Jewish Family Centre
£180,000 over five years (£40,000; £38,000; £36,000; £34,000; £32,000) towards the salary and on-costs of two Family Support Workers, to increase the organisation’s capacity to support vulnerable children and their families.

Protection Approaches
£246,960 over two years (£121,642, £125,318) towards the expansion of a hate crime community outreach and resilience project.

Home-Start Barnet
£226,280 over five years (£50,000, £47,500, £45,125, £42,900, £40,755) to to deliver tailored home visits, workshops and group support for vulnerable families in North West London.

Ace of Clubs Clapham
£248,105 over three years (£78,700, £82,635 £86,770) partial Centre Manager salary, partial Chef salary, Takeaway service costs, and a contribution towards the centre’s utilities, rent and cleaning costs in order that Ace of Clubs Clapham can continue to provide daily hot meals and wraparound support, alleviating food poverty for those experiencing homelessness.

Early Years Cocoon C.I.C
£81,375 over three years (£28,485, £25,835 and £27,055) towards three part-time freelance positions to strengthen the organisation’s early years educational play and other support services.

Beating Time
£249,000 over three years (£67,000; £87,000; £95,000) for the salary of a full-time London Project Lead/​Primary Employment Consultant and a contribution towards other associated costs to deliver Inside Job in three prisons in London.

Children’s Discovery Centre East London
£149,754 over two years (£143,504, £6,250) the access costs of capital improvement work, project management and community consultation events.

Yad Voezer Day Centre Ltd
£23,260 over 1 year (£23,260) to pilot an IT educational project teaching essential digital skills empowering Deaf and Disabled adults.

Union Chapel Project
£150,000 over 12 months to transform Union Chapel’s Grade-II-listed Sunday School Hall into an accessible and inclusive state-of-the-art community-led cultural, learning and heritage centre.

£121,368 over three years (£38,500, £40,428 £42,440) for part costs Psychotherapist salary and supervision costs to provide psychotherapeutic support for households in Westminster where one or more family members are displaying hoarding behaviours.

Young Trustees Movement
£99,500 over 2 years (£53,500, £46,000) towards the Young Trustees of London project to strengthen the voice and leadership of young people on boards of London charities.

Barts Charity
£100,000 over two years (£50,000 x2) towards expanding a trauma-informed integrated clinical pathway for unaccompanied asylum-seeking young people across Northeast London to improve physical, mental health, and prevent deterioration.

National Trust Morden Hall Park
£91,000 over two further and final years (£44,800; £46,200) towards contributions to two Urban Ranger salaries and associated project costs.

Tender Education and Arts
A grant of £116,900 over two years (£58,250, £58,650) is recommended towards domestic abuse training for adults working with young people in non-educational settings across London.

£232,560 over three years (£75,240, £77,496, £79,824) for part costs Psychotherapy Services Manager salary, part costs Young People’s Therapist salary, Reflective Practice and Clinical Supervision, Materials and Resources and a contribution to oncosts, to deliver a psychotherapy service for adults and young people with autism and/​or a learning disability, who have experienced significant trauma.

Paddington Arts
£150,000 capital funding towards stairs and ramps, lifts, sanitary wear and accessibility handrails and step free access to the roof terrace.

Greenwich Mencap
£249,884 over four years (£59,728, £61,520, £63,368, £65,268) to fund the Service Manager’s salary, some Siblings Support sessions, Events, Resources, Training, Supervision and a contribution towards organisational oncosts, to deliver the Greenlights Project, which supports families with children under 11 in the LB Greenwich, displaying challenging behaviour due to learning disabilities.

The Girls’ Network
£92,732 over three years (£30,000, £30,900, £31,832) to deliver mentoring programmes to girls (aged 14–19) from the most deprived boroughs in London.

The PCC Of The Ecclesiastical Parish Of St. Saviour
£100,000 over 1 year towards Environmental capital works bringing the St. Saviours Community Hall back to life so that the whole community can thrive.

Action Space London Events Ltd
£215,000 over five years (£50,000; £45,000; £42,500; £40,000; £37,500) towards core costs, largely in support of the Supported Studios Programme (contributions to studio hire, freelance Artist Facilitators and exhibition and event costs).

Fulham Reach Boat Club
£110,000 over three years (£30,000, £35,000, £45,000) towards the Boats Not Bars’ project, supporting prisoners up to and on release with access to wellbeing and mentoring support alongside training and employment opportunities.

National Ugly Mugs (NUM)
£194,900 over three years (£65,500, £62,500, and £66,900) for one FTE specialist victim support case worker for sex workers based in or touring’ London along with associated costs and ISVA accreditation.

Sporting Equals
£489,800 over five years (£94,300; £95,600; £96,900; £98,300; £104,700) towards an organisational development and financial capacity building programme for London’s ethnically diverse sport and physical activity organisations.

£371,000 over five years (£70,000; £72,000; £74,100; £76,300; £78,600) to deliver specialist services not available elsewhere to families, parents, and carers with deafblind children (Multi-Sensory Impairment) to cope, adapt, and thrive.

The Baytree Centre
£326,670 over five years (£62,100; £63,240; £65,140; £67,090; £69,100) for a full time Youth Service Director, line management, clinical supervision costs and a contribution to core costs.

Safe Passage International
Funding is recommended for £161,150 over four years (£35,800, £39,250, £42,000, £44,100) towards the legal support and casework and the Young Leaders programme at Safe Passage.

ACEVO — Association of Chief Executives of Voluntary Organisations
£250,000 over five years (£50,000 x 5) to ensuring charity CEOs in London have the support, tools, and guidance needed for their organisations to make the greatest possible impact.

Continuation funding

Middlesex Association for the Blind
£77,850 over three further and final years (£25,950, £25,950, £25,950) for continuation funding to support vulnerable visually impaired older people across Brent and Haringey through home visits and other valued support.

St Christopher’s Hospice
£100,000 over two further and final years (£50,000 x 2) towards the Compassionate Neighbours’ initiative providing company and social support for isolated people at the end of life.

Spitalfields City Farm
To provide £136,400 of continuation funding over three further and final years (year one, £47,600; year two £44,800; year three, £44,000) to enable the local community to connect with nature in a city environment and participate in a range of inclusive educational and recreational activities

Age UK Westminster
£117,488 over two further and final years (£57,861; £59,627) to run a complex needs Information, Advice and Advocacy Service for people aged 65+ in Westminster, including the salary and on-costs of a part-time Advocacy and Advice Co-ordinator, a part-time Wellbeing and Connections Coordinator and a contribution to core costs

City & Hackney Carers Centre
£101,000 over two further and final years (£49,500, £51,500) towards a part-time Advice Coordinator and a part-time Information and Advice Officer, as well as associated project and management costs.

The Mary Dolly Foundation
£49,200 over two further and final years (£24,600, £24,600) for the provision of counselling sessions, clinical supervision and administrative costs for young people in London who have experienced domestic abuse.

Learning Through The Arts CIC
£86,248 over three further and final years (£27,224, £28,224, £30,800) to provide continuation funding for a part-time Project Manager, sessional tutors, materials, marketing, expenses, and on costs for a Creative Wellbeing project.

Tempo Time Credits
Funding is recommended for a further and final year for Tempo to carry its work under the Infrastructure arm of Bridging Divides for £49,952.

North East London Gospel Mission
£20,500 over two further and final years (£10,200; £10,300) towards the salary of a part- time Project Worker (part-time) to continue to deliver the Wise Owls’ project promoting health and well-being opportunities for older people.

Health Equality and Rights Organisation
£77,500 over three further and final years (£24,800, £25,800, £26,900) towards the 50+ HangOuts project, as well as associated management costs.

Eco Audits

£4,000 to carry out an eco audit.

Age UK Lewisham & Southwark
£2,800 (7 days) to provide an eco audit.

ETNA Community Centre
£3,600 (9 days) to provide an eco audit.

St Cuthbert’s Church, West Hampstead
£2,600 (6.5 days) to provide an eco audit.

The Triangle Adventure Playground Association
£3,200 (8 days) to provide an eco audit.

£2,600 (6.5 days) to provide an eco audit.

Triangle Arts Trust
£5,800 to provide an eco audit.

Newham Community Renewal Programme
£4,400 to provide an eco audit.

Hoxton Trust
£3,700 (9.25 days) to provide an eco audit.

Waste Not Want Not Battersea
£3,700 (9.25 days) to provide an eco audit.

Hayes End Methodist Church
£3,600 (9 days) to provide an eco audit.

Calthorpe Community Garden
£2,600 (6.5 days) to provide an eco audit.

Showroom Gallery Ltd
£3,600 (9 days) to provide an eco audit.


Touretteshero CIC
£206,700 over two further years (£94,700; £112,000) to continue the development of a model to enable young people to imagine solutions and participate in and influence decision making in Lewisham through creative collaboration and action; in particular contributing to the salaries of an Artistic Director, Community Producer , Assistant Producer and the costs to developing and delivering creative campaigns.

Connected Routes CIC
£195,600 over two further years (£95,500, £100,100) towards the development of the Routes to Employment project with contributions towards the roles of project workers (two at part-time) and other project costs.

The Maya Centre
£194,200 over two further years (£95,500; £98,700) towards the activities of the experts by experience groups, including a Community Organiser and management costs, CEO time, reimbursement, training and wellbeing related costs for women experts

Mosaic LGBT+ Young Persons’ Trust
£99,000 over two further years (£49,000; £50,000) towards the costs of Strategic Partnerships Manager and associated project costs

Connect: North Korea
£350,600 over two further years (£175,300, £175,300) towards the continuation of the research project to identify systemic issues facing the North Korean refugee community in London to access healthcare, and to start to design the roadmap for addressing inequities and barriers and bring about meaningful change to equitable access, experience, and outcomes in public health. Funding includes salaries for two FT workers; the Community Health Worker and Community Outreach Worker (Propel-specific) and proportion of CEO and Programme Manager and running costs.

Small Grants

Forest Gate Community Garden CIO
£27,900 (£13,000; £14,900)over two further and final years towards two part time-staff members (Coordinator and Lead Gardener).

Hypo Hounds
£94,400 over 5 years £17,500, £18,000, £19,000, £19,900, £20,000 for costs to improve digital transformation & on-going developments.

Community Development Association for Minority Communities LTD
£38,160 over 3 years (£12,720; £12,720; £12,720) towards a mental health support service to improve the wellbeing of women from Somali and other African migrant communities in Haringey.

Deaf Unity
£60,000 over three years (20,000 x3) towards the organisation’s core costs, restricted to a proportion attributable to activity benefitting Londoners.

Archbishop’s Park Community Trust
£51,000 over 3 years (£16,400; £16,970; £17,630) towards a weekly gardening club offering an opportunity to learn and socialise, whilst enhancing and protecting Archbishop’s Park, supporting the environment in Central London.

Noviha UK
£100,000 over 5 years (£20,000; £20,000; £20,000; £20,000; £20,000) towards building the capacity and sustainability of Noviha UK’s older people project, introducing new services for older people to connect with their community.

Strategic Initiatives

London Emergencies Trust
£64,040 over five years (£12,062; £12,424; £12,797; £13,181; £13,576) towards general operational costs to maintain London Emergencies Trust.

Migration Museum Project (MMP)
£240,000 over 3 years (3 x £80,000) to support Migration Museum Project’s community engagement work ahead of its planned move to a purpose-built site in Aldgate.

London Funders
£10,000 over one year towards a joint initiative, led by London Funders, to map the current state of funding for equity and justice infrastructure within London.

Learning Disability Network London Limited
£65,000 over one year towards a Family Support Worker at Kids Can Achieve, as well as associated project and management costs.

Open City
£6,340 over one year towards the costs of training 20 young people from under-represented backgrounds as City Curators, including contribution to OCA’s staff time, overheads, curatorial pay, and project resources.

London Legal Support Trust
£1,440,363 over five years (£271,299; £279,438; £287,821; £296,456; £305,349) to LLST towards continuation funding to provide second tier infrastructure support through the previously funded Centres of Excellence programme and the London Specialist Advice Forum, with the terms as endorsed by the Funding Committee