Grants of £8m awarded at July & September 2021 committee meetings

At the July and September 2021 meetings of the Bridge House Estates Board and Bridge House Estates Grants Committee 82 grants were awarded, totalling just over £8m

Bridging Divides – uncategorised

Access All Areas
£58,400 over a further and final two years (2 x £29,200) towards AAA’s costs associated with the Take Part programme, including contributions to the salaries of the Take Part Director, Co-ordinator, Workshop Facilitators, and space hire.

Action Disability Kensington & Chelsea
£123,400 over a further and final two years (£60,800; £62,600) towards a FTE Co-ordinator, part time advice and information officer and associated running costs including accessibility costs, training, information production, room hire and core running costs.

Advice for Renters
£49,900 for two further and final years (£24,600; £25,300) to meet the salary of a Housing Advisor and a contribution to core costs.

Advice Support Knowledge Information
£25,000 over two further and final years (2x £12,500) towards the weekly costs of therapeutic dance classes working with older people 75+ living with Dementia; and their Carers.

Age UK East London
£139,000 over three years (£36,000; £46,000; £57,000) towards a Newham Advice and Information Officer (28hpw), associated management and support staff costs, and associated project costs.

Age UK Lambeth
£240,000 over 5 years (£47,100; £47,500; £47,700; £48,400; £49,300) towards the salary of a f/​t Programme Manager and associated costs to deliver MYsocial to older people in Lambeth.

All Hallows Bow
£106,000 for a further and final two years (£52,700; £53,300) towards the salary costs of the part time Project Manager /​Tutor; part time ESOL teacher; business support; and associated running costs.

Anti-Tribalism Movement
£3,458 to meet the costs of an independent access audit for the ATM building.

Bangladesh Youth Movement (BYM)
£50,700 over two further and final years (£25,070; £25,630) towards the salary and on-costs of a PT Senior Advice Worker; associated costs of the Managing Your Money service; and a contribution to BYM’s overheads.

Baobab Centre for young survivors in exile
£90,000 over two further and final years (2 x £45,000) to contribute to the core costs of the organisation.

£81,300 over three years (3 x £27,100) towards the costs associated with BA’s Community Projects for blind and partially sighted people in London, including tutors’ fees, project management costs, and materials.

Bromley by Bow Centre
£46,000 over one further and final year towards the costs of three staff salaries – a part time Housing Advisor , a part time Housing Case Worker, a part time Project Manager; and project overheads, to deliver the Private Renters’ Project, an integrated housing advice service, for communities in Tower Hamlets.

£370,000 over 5 years (£70,000; £72,000; £74,000; £76,000; £78,000) for the salary costs of a f/​t Access Advisor plus related costs of providing the Access Advisory Service for London.

£108,960 over two years (£52,230; £56,730) for a 0.8fte equivalent Specialist Advice Worker post (£67,276 over two years), programme running costs and evaluation costs, as well as a contribution to organisational running costs.

Chelsea Physic Garden
£45,000 over a further and final 18 months (£29,500; £15,500) for the salary of the Learning and Engagement Officer to develop onsite and offsite community outreach, engagement and learning.

City Harvest
£74,154 over two years (£36,529; £37,625) for a full time Food Rescue Warehouse Manager.

Disablement Association of Barking & Dagenham (DABD)
£3,126 for the costs of an independent access audit.

Down’s Syndrome Association
£54,200 over two further and final years (£26,900, £27,300) towards the salaries of the DSActive Sports Officer; DSEngage Officer; and Project Manager as well as associated sport taster day costs and DSEngage project costs in London.

Ealing Mencap
£51,500 over two further and final years (2 x £25,750) towards the salary of a part-time Transport and Travel Advice Caseworker and associated project costs.

Elfrida Rathbone Camden
£234,500 over 5 years (£47,200; £46,300; £46,600 £47,000 £47,400) towards the salary of a part time Social Action Co-ordinator and associated costs to deliver the Young People for Inclusion project.

Eye Music Trust
£66,500 over two further and final years (2 x £33,250) towards sessional staff, workshops, running costs and legacy training for the delivery of a mobile Colourscape’ in SEN schools across London.

Family Based Solutions
£81,200 over two further and final years (£36,000; £45,200) towards the salary of a f/​t Under 10’s Children’s DART Family Support Worker and associated project costs.

Forest Farm Peace Garden
£85,000 over three years (£17,500; £33,500; £34,000) towards the salaries of the Project Manager and Ecotherapy Worker, and a contribution to overheads, in support of the organisation’s ecotherapy programme.

Gendered Intelligence
£92,000 over two further and final years (2 x £46,000) for the FT salary of the Volunteering Project Coordinator and associated project costs.

Greater London Volunteering
£500,000 over three years (£200,000; £175,000; £125,000) towards salaries and running costs supporting the continued development and work of London Plus, through the legal entity of Greater London Volunteering.

High Trees Community Development Trust
£85,000 over two further and final years (£42,200; £42,800) towards the cost of a part time Project Coordinator ; part time Lead ESOL Tutor; part time Support ESOL Tutor; and associated project costs.

Holy Trinity English Classes
£1,720 for over two years (2 x £860) towards the salaries of sessional qualified ESOL tutors for the Holy Trinity English Classes.

KEEN London
£80,000 over two further and final years (£40,000 x 2) towards the salary and on-costs of the full-time Head of Services.

£132,700 over a further and final two years years (£65,500; £67,200) towards the salaries of the part-time Head of NfPP; part-time NfPP Caseworker; part-time Head of Programmes; and associated running costs.

Museum of Brands
£120,000 over three further and final years (3 x£40,000) towards the cost of a Community Development Officer and project costs of Brand Memories.

One Place East
£55,140 over two further and final years (£27,160; £27,980) towards the costs associated with OPE’s dementia befriending service, specifically for the salaries of a part time part-time Project Manager and part-time Project Support Officer, and no other associated costs. Reduced figures reflect the actual salary spend reported in OPE’s final monitoring and evaluation report for the previous grant for the same project.

OrganicLea CIC
£5,000 to meet the costs of an independent access audit for the design appraisal for new buildings and refurbishment at two market garden sites.

Positive East
£77,300 over two further and final years (£38,100; £39,200) towards the full-time post of an Advice Service Worker.

Prisoners’ Advice Service
£45,000 over five years (£9,000 each year) as a contribution towards 10% of two part-time Community Care Caseworkers, 20% of a Women Prisoners Caseworker, volunteer support and associated running costs.

Pro Bono Economics
£100,000 over two further and final years (£50,000, £50,000) towards associated project costs to support charitable organisations providing services for Londoners.

Queens Crescent Community Association (QCCA)
£109,000 over two further and final years (£42,000; £67,000) towards the Forever Young programme for older people, specifically a part-time Project Coordinator; part-time IAG worker ; and associated running costs of the Forever Young programme for older people.

Redbridge Citizens Advice Bureau
£97,500 over two further and final years (£48,500; £49,000) for the GP Outreach Project Coordinator’s salary and project costs associated with the GP Outreach Project.

Refugee Action Kingston
£98,100 over two further and final years (£50,300; £47,800) for the salaries and running costs of a blended programme of in-person and online ESOL classes for pre-entry to entry-level 3 to empower refugees and their families to become more independent and integrated within the local community. £58,000 (£29,000; £29,000) is allocated across two staff positions – an part-time ESOL Manager and an part-time ESOL Coordinator . The remaining budget is for overheads and project related costs such as travel, venue hire and interpretation costs.

Release Legal Emergency and Drugs Service Ltd
£95,800 over two further and final years (£47,200; £48,600) for the salary of a full-time Solicitor, NI, Pension and on-costs.

South West London Law Centres
£104,000 over two further and final years (£51,500, £52,500) towards a full-time Client Services Support Worker and associated project costs.

Spitalfields Crypt Trust
£92,000 over two further and final years (£45,000; £47,000) for the salary of a full time Addiction Counsellor and associated costs.

The Hoxton Trust
£73,000 over three years (£11,500; £30,500; £31,000) towards the salaries and on-costs of two part-time legal advisers providing free advice.

Women for Refugee Women
£60,000 over two further and final years (2 x £30,000) towards the salaries of the part-time Grassroots Manager and part-time Grassroots Intern, and associated project costs of the term-time ESOL classes in London.

Cornerstone Fund

£25,000 towards the development phase of a collaboration, applying a Whole Person Approach to strengthen the work and increase the impact of London civil society organisations which advise communities of experience and identity.

Africa Advocacy Foundation
£25,000 towards the development phase of a user-led partnership to enable and empower Black communities living with HIV to tackle structural inequalities by holding decision-makers to account, influencing actions, and becoming embedded in decision-making.

Camden Volunteer Bureau
£23,100 towards the development phase of a user-led partnership to develop the North Central London Volunteering PLUS Partnership to better work and integrate with the NHS across the five boroughs.

Consortium of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Voluntary and Community Organisations
£25,000 towards the development of new, sustainable funding models and collaborations which will support equity-focused work across London.

Global Black Thrive CIC
£25,000 towards the development phase of a user-led partnership to develop and test developing and establishing new approaches to collaboration to get better outcomes for Black Disabled people in Lambeth.

High Trees Community Development Trust
£22,750 towards the development phase of enabling the Building Young Brixton partnership to be a vehicle for collaborative working practices within Lambeth and beyond.

Inclusion London
£25,000 towards the development phase of a user-led partnership to develop and test strategic communications skills, messages and tools for London’s DDPO organisations, to enable them to raise the profile and impact of DDPOs and support Disabled people’s inclusion and human rights.

Kingston Voluntary Action
£10,000 towards the development phase of a project to improve how London’s small civil society organisations can make better use of data for the benefit of the communities with whom they work.

London Youth
£25,000 towards the development phase of a user-led partnership to develop community-based, culturally appropriate interventions to improve young people’s mental health, in particular post-pandemic, on condition that suitable mental health specialist partner(s) are included in the partnership.

The Bridge Renewal Trust
£25,000 towards the development of a collaboration of Place Based Giving Schemes to address structural discrimination in accessing funding and support using participatory methods across diverse communities in London.

The Health Forum
£23,000 towards the development phase of a user-led partnership to mobilise local organisations and influence statutory policy and provision to reduce health inequalities amongst people from BAME communities in North West London.

Tower Hamlets Council for Voluntary Service
£25,000 towards the development phase of the Equalities Partnership in Tower Hamlets, bringing together user-led organisations and infrastructure organisations to develop models for improved public sector decision making that are responsive to diverse community priorities, promote social cohesion and are led by marginalised communities.

COVID19 London Community Response Fund (Wave 5)

Living Under One Sun
£49,695 towards a core support team including an operational development manager and Volunteer development worker, as outlined in your application

Eco Audits

Carers Trust
£2,200 (5.5 days) to provide an eco-audit

Child Poverty Action Group
£2,600 (6.5 days) to provide an Eco audit

Green Street Green Association
£2,000 (5 days) to provide an eco-audit

Small Grants – Bridging Divides

CoDa Dance Company
£19,200 over 2 years (2 x £9,600) to continue to deliver dance and movement workshops to support Londoners living with neurological conditions in order to improve their health and wellbeing

Drunken Chorus
£28,000 over three years (£10,000; £9,500; £8,500) towards core costs to increase and develop creative activities programme and annual festival for disabled Londoners.

Equalities Work
£30,000 over three years (3 x £10,000) to develop In the Mix’ a new access initiative for disabled artists living in London.

Phoenix Rising
£30,000 over three years (3 x £10,000) to meet the costs of an environmental programme to engage and encourage local adults and young people to play an active role in caring for their local waterways and opportunities for conservation volunteering.

Shadwell Community Project
£26,340 over three years (3 x £8,780) to develop a food growing programme, specifically towards the salary of a gardener to run sessions, staff costs, a cook, and associated project costs.

Stories & Supper
£28,710 over 3 years (3 x 9,570) to meet the costs of developing a horticultural programme, working with refugees/​asylum seekers to reduce isolation and improve health and wellbeing.

The Dot Collective
£18,000 over two years (2 x £9,000) towards the project costs of A Map to You’ providing creative, reminiscence, storytelling activities and professional theatre to those living with dementia and their carers in Southwark and Lambeth.

Stepping Stones

£50,000 to recruit a Fast Responder and cover associated on-costs, line management and administration, to pilot the outcome of the intervention, and if successful to raise further social investment.

St Hilda’s East
£50,000 to St Hilda’s East towards its plans to develop an income generating community centre. The first £25,000 of the award to cover costs for external consultancy to analyse project viability and to enable the organisation to apply for social investment. The remaining £25,000 towards roof repairs.

Waltham Forest Churches Night Shelter Ltd (WFCNS)
£38,300 for additional staff time from the CEO and premises manager to produce a 5‑year business plan, analyse financial implication of move-on accommodation property and create an environmental policy to then apply for social investment.

Strategic Initiatives

Centre For The Acceleration Of Social Technology
£50,000 over three months, towards core costs, enabling the continuation of the work of Catalyst.

Centre For The Acceleration Of Social Technology
£900,000, over five years (£200k, £200k, £200k, £175k, £125k) to the Centre for the Acceleration of Social Technology for the continuation of the Catalyst digital network project, release of year two payments will be conditional on funding from the National Lottery Community Fund (or other funder(s) at a similar level of funding) being secured.

Centre For The Acceleration Of Social Technology
£10,000 over 2 years (2 x £5,000) towards the next phase of development of Grant Advisor UK. The grant to be released when sufficient funds are raised to make the project viable.

Charity Tax Group
£50,000 towards core and related costs to enable CTG to engage, support and represent up to 300 additional charitable organisations in London on fiscal and tax matters.

Cranfield Trust
£75,000 to Cranfield Trust towards continuing the Triage and Connect element of the Bridge Programme to support the delivery of the next phase of the programme.

Esmée Fairbairn Foundation
£485,000 funding towards a place-led funding collaboration, working to tackle the causes of deep-rooted structural injustices facing people in towns and cities across the UK by exploring place-based change and ceding power to communities.

Greater London Authority
£100,000 to match-fund the provision of networks for the Young Londoners Fund grantees in 2022

Greater London Volunteering
£15,000 – payable to London Plus – to match fund the GLA contribution to the Festival of Ideas Access Grants programme.

Justice Collaborations
£500,000 over three years (£200,000; £150,000; £150,000) to The Legal Education Foundation – Justice Collaborations (TLEF) to contribute to the second round of grants for specialist immigration advice services in London.

£75,000 for the Connect element of the Bridge Programme to fund providers and support the delivery of the next phase of the programme.

London Youth
£50,000 for a participatory-based grant fund for local youth organisations in Redbridge. The funds will be awarded by a panel and processes as agreed by the City Bridge Trust.

Partnership for Young London
£26,500 over one year for the salary costs of PYL staff engaging with the Pan London COVID19 Response and Recovery work.

Trust for London
£840,000 to Trust for London (TFL) to extend the current Moving on Up and the Strengthening Voices Realising Rights projects for an additional two years, subject to confirmation of the TFL match contribution at an equivalent level.