Supporting documents guidance
Guidance for submitting documents to support funding applications
If you require our application form or related guidance notes in alternative formats to make them more accessible, please contact us at or on 020 7332 3710 to discuss your needs.
Funding closed to new applications
Having committed exceptional levels of funding to London’s charitable sector until 2026, we closed our rolling grants programmes to new applications on Tuesday, 8 October 2024 for one year. This will allow us to manage our existing grants and pre-closure applications, while reviewing and developing our new funding policy, launching in autumn 2025.
Guidance for supporting documents
Alongside your online application, City Bridge Foundation also asks you to submit some supporting documents.
You can do this easily using the online application form’s upload function:
- First select the type of document from the ‘title’ drop-down list
- Then click on the ‘browse’ button to locate the file on your system
- Then click the ‘upload’ button
- Attachments should either be Word Documents (.doc or .docx), Excel Spreadsheets (.xls or .xlsx) or in Portable Document Format (.pdf) — we may not be able to open documents that are in other formats
- Please note that the attachments cannot total more than 10MB
If for some reason you are unable to attach your documents please contact City Bridge Foundation for advice at or on 020 7332 3710.
It is important that you submit all the supporting documents required – we cannot start to assess your application until we have received all the required supporting documents.
1. Funding Required spreadsheet (required)
This is an Excel template, provided by City Bridge Foundation, which you can download here.
Remember to save your version when you are finished as you will have to upload it from your own computer/server when you attach during the completion of your application form.
2. A copy of your organisation’s constitution (required)
This is your organisation’s governing document. For example, depending on your legal status this may be a constitution, Memorandum of Association and Articles of Association or Trust Deed. Please don’t forget to include both your ‘memorandum’ and ‘articles of association’ (if relevant). Please note, this document is not required if you are part of the Church of England – if this is the case please attach a note stating that this is the case.
3. A copy of your most recent signed audited or independently examined accounts (required)
We need you to send us your most recently signed audited or independently examined accounts.
Please ensure that your accounts meet the requirement of the appropriate regulatory body. If you are a Registered Charity, see here for more information:…
4. Monitoring framework (required)
As part of your online application we ask you to specify which activities (outputs) you would like to deliver with our funding and what differences (outcomes) you hope to achieve. In addition, we require a separate monitoring framework setting out how you will track your progress against these intended outputs and outcomes.
We do not specify a particular format for your monitoring framework. We have provided an example format, to give you an idea, but please do not feel restricted to this format: Supporting-Documents-Monitoring-Framework.pdf
5. Relevant job description(s) and person specification(s) with accompanying rate of pay if your application includes costs for any post-holders of 17.5 hours per week or more
If your application to the City Bridge Foundation includes a request for funding towards any post-holders you should attached the job description including the rate of pay. Please make the number of hours clear, and the total salary on offer (if the salary is pro-rated make this clear).
Please note that the Foundation is a Living Wage Friendly Funder. Any grant awarded by the Foundation towards all or part of a post must be paid the Living Wage as minimum. We also encourage all organisations we support to pay the London Living Wage as a minimum to all its staff.
6. A copy of your Safeguarding Policy
Please attach a copy of your organisation’s safeguarding policy, if you have one. This should reflect any relevant regulatory advice, for example the Charity Commission here:… and may include:
- How your organisation provides a safe and trusted environment which safeguards anyone who comes into contact with it, including beneficiaries, staff and volunteers.
- What adequate safeguarding policies, procedures and measures are in place and how are these used protect people.
- Clarity as to how incidents and allegations will be handled should they arise, including reporting to the relevant authorities, such as the Commission.
- How trustee avoid exposing the charity’s assets, beneficiaries or reputation to undue risk.
- Recognises that safeguarding goes beyond preventing physical abuse, and includes protecting people from harm generally, including neglect, emotional abuse, exploitation, radicalisation, and the consequences of the misuse of personal data.
For more information on Safeguarding, please see our Safeguarding for charities link below.
7. Detailed proposal
If you wish, you may attach further information in support of your application, however this should not exceed more than two sides of A4.
8. For capital buildings grants only
Please attach your Access Audit and/or design appraisal documents.